Documentary Idea


A film documentation of the slowly dwindling presence of local farms in Singapore and how they are now a dying trade. Forced to move overseas or shut down operations, these farms face opposition from the government and many of them have now moved to neighbouring countries like Malaysia with much complains. A documentary of their struggles to adapt to new environments and the farming scene.

For powerpoint slide, refer to

Brutal 51.6%

First thoughts.

I really liked the way the shots were composed, bringing the story so much more personal with the numerous tight shots. The long duration of each shot really allows the audience to soak into the strong underlying emotions and anxiety of the protagonist and situation even though we do not exactly see it.

Tension runs high even through the interactions with her mother under  the calm pretext of “ballet exercises”, finally blowing out during the scene of the results. One can only imagine the life ahead of those who actually get through.
