Lino Cut

Assignment 4: Lino Cut

#1 Pig is working hard in the field


In this first lino cut, the pig is alone outside in the field. It is working very hard. Despite the tiredness from working in the field everyday, it still has a wide smile on its’ face.


#2 Pig is cooked to make curry


This is a scene when the pig is being killed and put up on the fire pit waiting to be barbecue and becomes the owner’s dinner. In this second piece of lino cut, I focus more on the fire pit. I want to give it an old and rundown texture of the fire pit. This will give the viewers an impression that the owner really did not care about the pig and he only believe what the dog has said.


An owner sent his dog and his pig to his field.

Because of this, the pig was working hard in the field throughout the whole day.

Even though that was the case, the dog (was) sleeping and just relaxing, and at the time of returning to the village, the dog went and repeatedly trampled over all the work that the pig had done.

And then when the pig returned, she said “Today, without working (in) the field”,

“[Dog] just spent the whole day resting.”

And the dog said “That’s a lie!”

“She did nothing.”

“Only I worked”, she said.

And then Grandfather, the owner, said “If that is the case, then tomorrow we will go and look at the footprints together.”

And since the dog had completely trampled over the footprints of the pig, only the dog’s footprints were there.

Because of that, [the owner said] “As for this pig, it will be made the fine” [i.e. used to settle vI’llage court cases].

When people fight, on reaching a judgement, [a pig] would be eaten.

And after it is killed, it is to be eaten up.

When the pig sees the sky, that is the time that it dies [ moral of story: by the time the stupid pig sees the light, ie wakes up to things and what is actually going on, he gets killed]. The explanation was that the pig does not see the sky until it is laid on its side, in preparation to be slaughtered. That is the time at which it comes to appreciate its situation.

And as for the dog, [the owner said] “Ah, only you will be kept in the house.”

And as for the pig, it is used to make curry.

The dog has come to be treated very well.

Thus Dog by her cunning caused the footprints of Pig to be completely trampled.

Published by

Amy Leow

Hello! I am Amy! :]

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