Tag: Figure

Week 7 – Figure Drawing lll

Class Assignment 

This week we continue with figure drawing however it was a different model this time. For our class this week we tried to do perspective drawing for figure. We start off the usual 1 minute warming up drawing.

Warm Up

After the warm up we start the perspective figure drawing for 5 minutes each.

1st Set

2nd Set

Continuation of 2nd Set

This week we also use one continuous line to draw the figure, where the line goes in and out of the figure to draw the muscles for 3 minutes each. This is to teach us on how to look at the figure in one line.

1st set attempt

2nd set attempt

3rd set attempt

4th set attempt

5th set attempt

I had a hard time drawing using continuous line where the line has to go in and out of the figure as I am unable to gauge how wide the figure should be so some of my drawings has the figure being too wide.


Homework Assignment

Our assignment for this week is to draw about ourselves in 6 drawings. I drew the progress of my growth. I drew how I was a baby then as a kid, I love playing swing hence the picture of a swing. I also started learning swimming when I was really young and I love swimming even up till now. However the times that I get to play was not long and I had to start studying. Since growing up, the only new hobby that I love is reading. As school is busy, I would go to the library to borrow books during the holidays to read them. Currently, I am waiting to graduate from university hence the picture of the graduation hat bring thrown.

Baby and Swing

Swimming and Studying

Books and Graduation

Week 6 – Figure Drawing ll

Class Assignment

This week we had our second figure drawing class and this time round the model is nude. I realise that drawing a nude model is harder compared to when he was wearing brief as I would have to gauge for myself where his hip is. However when he was wearing brief, all I had to do was to follow the band of his brief.

Our first task was to  warm up ourselves where we draw 8 poses in a minute each.

8  1-minute poses

After that we start drawing the figure in pencil in more details with a time of 3 minutes for each pose. We start off by drawing the action line like what we learnt last week. Then we learnt how to look at the skeleton of the figure to help us with our drawing. First we look at the rib cage of the person to draw the upper body, then we look at the hip to help us with the lower body. From there we start to draw the shape of the body of the figure.

1st attempt

2nd attempt

3rd attempt

As I did not get how to look at the rib cage at first, I continued drawing the structure of the body like how I did previously. I also learnt that when drawing the side view of the figure, the upper body has to be in oval shape and the hip will be drawn rounder too. This helps us to draw the leg easier as well.

After the 3 minutes poses, we moved on to draw 5 minutes poses using charcoal.

1st 4 attempt

5th attempt

6th attempt

7th attempt

8th attempt



Homework Assignment

We have 2 homework assignment this week. First we have to draw perspective boxes to improve our perspective drawing.


Our second assignment is to draw figures in different poses.

1st attempt

2nd attempt

3rd attempt

The difficulties I faced was not being able to get the proportions right and also had a hard time trying to draw the shape of the body as I was unable to see the rib cage and the hip of the person like who I was able to do in class.

Week 5 – Figure Drawing l

Class Assignment

This week we had our first figure drawing and we had a male model.

Our first task was to try to draw the model by ourselves from what we see first. As I have not tried figure drawing prior to this and I had a hard time trying to draw without any guidelines. I started by drawing the shape of his head to his body then to his head. By this method, I had a hard time trying to get the correct proportions of his body.

1st attempt in figure drawing

After that we learn some guidelines on how to draw the body.

1st: draw the line of action (how the body curves)

2nd: draw a line to indicate the angle of how the shoulder tilts

3rd: structure of the top of the body in a rectangular shape and the hip in a trapezium shape if the model is directly facing us but a circle if we’re facing the side of the model.

4th: if the body is tilted, the structure of the shoulders and hip should converge

4th: draw the bone shape of the arms and legs

Our next task was to draw the figure following the guidelines taught and from there we add on the shape of the body. After the guidelines, I am able to get the body shape out better but I still had difficulty getting my proportions right where sometimes the body will be longer or vice versa.

1st & 2nd attempt

3rd & 4th attempt

5th attempt

As kept trying to draw the figure perfectly, we were made to do blind drawing which was taught during the first lesson. This is to make us focus on the outline of the body shape instead of the details of the body as we kept trying to draw the details of the model’s body even before completing the outline.

Blind Drawing

After that we start to use charcoal to draw the figure. As our arms are still very rigid, we were told to use a stick with a charcoal taped on it like what we did during our first lesson. This is to make us move our arms in a bigger movement while we draw so that we can draw the curves of the body better. However we are told to draw using small strokes where the lines are short. I think through this method, I learnt how to draw the curves of the body better. However I always spend too much time thinking of how to start drawing, I was unable to utilise the time fully thus all the half drawn figures.

1st & 2nd attempt

3rd attempt

4th attempt

5th attempt

We then move on to just the charcoal without the stick.

1st attempt

2nd attempt

3rd attempt

4th attempt with pencil

After the charcoal drawing, we end off with skeleton drawing using pencil with a time limit of 1 minute for each pose.

1 min skeleton drawing


Homework Assignment

Our assignment for this week was to draw a few figures at a location, with a sketch of the location.


Shopping Mall Rooftop

I drew the MacDonalds that is selling ice cream and drinks as I always buy ice cream from there in the past after school with my friends. We would then head up to the rooftop of the shopping mall to hang out, and that is the second location that I drew.

As we have to sketch the location, I was able to practice my perspective drawing that was taught in week 3 which I still have some trouble getting the angles right.

The difficulties that I faced while drawing these locations was that the people were wearing clothes this time and I had a hard time trying to follow the guidelines. It was hard for me to see the line of action as I drew the line of action according to the shape of the model’s spine in class, however I am unable to locate the people’s spine with their clothes on. I also had a hard time trying to locate their hip as their pants are covering, and it is hard to find the hip bone with clothes on.