Project 1: Golden Hour | Golden years


Time is fickle as it is unsympathetic, it could not stop and will never stop. A reliable constant, a cruel constant.

Golden Hour, Golden years, golden ages.

Time seems to be fraught with our nihilism and our enthusiasm. The hope for a good day as the first rays of light peeps through window grills. Watching the beautiful melancholy of sunsets slowing sinking behind rows of HDBS in a packed train home. Admiring the day’s dying breath, while something gnaws deep inside of having wasted a day or perhaps a year, or a life.

The golden hour is often used in photography to signify the times when the sun is close to the horizon of the earth. The atmospheric light is diffused, colour is enhanced. Sunrise, sunsets, both are good. Although we see it on a almost daily basis, that short period of magic, where light seems heavy and the world looked a tad more beautiful, time becomes a bit more precious.

Time is full of paradoxes, of contrasts. Light and shadow.

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Human bean.

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