Category Archives: Research

7 Shots Assignments – Seen and Unseen

” A bored kid decides to steal a 10 dollar note from a random stranger out of playfulness, only to find himself entering a horrific world of punishments suffered in hell. “
Seen and Unseen.

The seen and unseen world to me felt like something that i would have never imagine myself experiencing in; like in another dimension. I viewed this unseen world as something negative, something I would wish to un-see. 

This brought me back to my childhood days when I first visited the “10 courts of hell” located in Haw Par Villa. I was scared as hell. 


With this thought in mind, I came up with an idea where a kid will be the protagonist, as children are often portray as innocent and oblivious.

When I did my research on the meanings behind the “10 courts of hell”, I came upon this useful piece of information: So basically those who were evil doers in their past life will be taken to a subsequent Court of Hell to be punished. The different levels of hell caters to different types of offence. The shot that were taken in my film were from the Second Court of Hell. Crimes such as robbery and stealing will be punish in this court. 

With this information, I decided to use the stealing of the dollar note as the climax of my story.
1st Shot - Extreme close up shot of the main character. 

2nd Shot - close up shot of the kid’s hand playing with gum. 

3rd shot - Wide angle shot. Introducing a working adult, and leaving the scene; 
           transitioning to 4th shot.

4th shot - low angle shot; begins by establishing the $10 note, then gradually moving 
           upwards to the kid’s expression.

5th shot - top angle shot; camera moves downwards gradually with the kid’s hand. 
           This establish sight of the video through the kid’s eyes / perspective. 

6th shot - transition from the $10 note to the “10 courts of hell”. 
           Shot from first person perspective. 

7th shot - transition back to the the kid being fearful of the dollar note.