Foundation 3D: All Works and Assignments

Assignment 1: A Gift

My client was Cassandra, and based on the following factors and traits (found in the link to my presentation slides here) , I made the finished product – the Caged Penguin.

Materials used:
– cotton
– felt
– metal wires
– scarf from daiso

The Caged Penguin

Penguins are cute creatures. They enjoy being together, and are very sociable animals. They keep their children in a creche, which consists of a group of young penguins, all taken care of by numerous adults. But they do have a dark side to them — due to the high levels of Parenting Hormones in their bodies, they have a huge tendency to abandon their child and adopt one that has been abandoned by another. There is also another fact in which the parents take turns to take of their child; each “shift” consists of starving for 22 days, being at their child’s side at all times. However, if their partner does not make it back in time after the 22 days are up, the child is then abandoned by the parent who goes off in search of food.

Taking into account Cassandra’s personality traits — sociable, outgoing and a lively person, her liking a penguin definitely suits her. I feel that this project, no matter how dark, serves as a reminder to always be happy and keep doing whatever that brings joy to her life.

Assignment 2: Identity

I was given the topic on identity. I was inspired by the thumbprint on my IC, and also felt the urge to blow something up…. but I settled with dissolving something.

Materials used:
Black Strings

Recipe for Bath Bombs:
– 1 cup baking powder
– 1/2 cup citric acid
– 1/2 espom salts (substituted with table salt)
– 4 drops of food dye (colors used for mixing: cherry red, lemon yellow and blueberry blue)
– 3 tablespoons olive oil (also used canola oil)
– 1 tablespoon water



This performance art aims to pose a challenge to the viewers and the norm of the general public: what exactly is identity? Isn’t what you like, which gender you associate with, your personality just self-image?

The art brings up the topic of identity being something you cannot change of a human; the place where they were born, the imprints of their thumbprints, their gender they were born with– all these cannot be changed, and thus are part of your identity.

The art consists of different colored bath bombs, with a black string embedded in them, arranged in a cropped visualization of a thumbprint. The different colors represent the different traits, principles and objects that humans associate themselves with. In the bath bombs, the black string mimicks the idea of DNA strands. Once water is added to the tub, everything dissolves except for the black strings, which is the real definition of identity. Everything else gets mixed to become a dirty brown.

Assignment 3: CDL Competition Zero Waste

Please refer to the competition brief about this project.

Materials used:
Aluminum foil
Wood branches
Colored paper (green, orange)
Metal wires
Wood board

The Pillars of Progress

This sculpture acknowledges the fact that singapore, as a young, growing nation, cannot progress without producing waste. This sculpture as a whole represents Singapore fighting against the downward spiral of producing more and more waste.

The height of the pillars mimicks the tall skyscrapers of singapore, and the three pillars represent the foundations of SSA, on the 3P (people, public and private).

As the SSA aims to promote a low carbon economy and (vision), wood is used for the straight part of the pillars, and the spirals will be made out of steel. A small thin piece of steel will hold the pillar straight upwards, and connect the spirals to the wooden part of the pillar. The plant used here is the bauhinia kockiana, which is a sturdy creeper plant. The plant brings both wooden and steel parts together, accentuating that the nation will strive
towards progress with the use of green ways. Over time the plant will grow and flourish, forming a nice green canopy (Singapore’s progress).

(did not submit for competition, too tired)

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