That’s a wrap for Project 2

You’ve saw the title. Project 2 ended as everyone planned and my classmates never cease to surprise me with their wonderful job. Everyone has been using the same supplies of Dingbats but the results are unique, thought-out, and mind blowing. They saw their own shortcoming in the process and resolved the problems by creating more astonishing dingbats. With new dingbats, their new product covered their themes perfectly. It’s always fun and inspiring to see how my classmates think of their final product as you can literally see their thinking process in their works.

I’d say our presentations were a success as every of them was clarifying and intriguing to us. The amount of post-it notes pasted during the session proved everyone’s concentration and cooperation as listeners. I finished the challenge I gave myself before the session as well, which was comment on everyone’s work, whether compliments or suggestions. Although they’re not well written, yet that was the longest attention span I ever had within the decade.


I’m actually quite satisfied with my work too. Comparing to my last project, I put more thoughts and did some unconventional attempts in my work. These are the action that considered rare in my past products. The printing did a great justice to my work, and so are the others’. They all looked better than on screen in my opinion.

20151025_211421Fortunately, Ms. Joy and my classmates liked the ways I introduced my concept and at least understood every part of my work. (Which is honestly a relief.) In fact, they offered some great suggestions in their comments, which formed another challenge for my next project.

I’m glad I paid efforts in the project as the satisfaction is a big deal for  me. Although there are still A LOT OF space of improvement in the project, I felt willing to take my next project in a more serious manner, push it to the next level.



Every comment is so damn encouraging. Not only in mine, but others as well. I wish this wonderful spirit of G1 will forever live on.


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