Project Summary + Update

The Pollux Case Files
[working title]

Drawing on the Greek myth of the Dioscuri, the celestial twins Castor and Pollux, The Pollux Case Files builds a fragmented, investigative narrative around the immortal Pollux in the aftermath of his mortal twin’s death in battle.

The myth of the Dioscuri, in the same vein as the tales of Homer and Ovid, is traditionally narrated at an emotional distance. In the mythological account, Pollux offers Zeus his immortality for Castor’s life, moving Zeus to enshrine the twins as the constellation Gemini. Yet, what can this tell the reader of Pollux’s navigation of the landscape of grief, or of the nature of twinship and duality? The Pollux Case Files aims to close the emotional distance between this figure of mythology and ourselves by delving into the emotional and psychological facets of Pollux as a lone twin. This voyage into the psyche of a surviving twin will be undertaken primarily in writing and illustration, likely executed in the form of a book or publication extrapolating upon the Dioscuri myth.

The thematic focus of The Pollux Case Files centres itself around the notion of duality. Duality is explored in research that includes the scientific and esoteric issues surrounding twin studies and real-life accounts of lone twins coping with their twin’s death. In building duality into the narrative surrounding my adaptation of Pollux’s story, I refer to the realm of postmodern literature and its techniques of metanarrative, pastiche and multiple voices. In my visual representation of the terrain of Pollux’s psyche and of duality, my inspiration includes the work of Harry Clarke, Will Bradley and Ilya Brezinski, vintage medical and scientific illustrations and the influence of Surrealist work. The project is presently in its research/experimental stage, with its trajectory established and its content and form in development.

I trust myself in being able to write an adequate summary of how things are progressing so far. I didn’t use the summary to justify the rationale behind my project, but I will have a slide in my presentation explaining the cultural value of mythology and perhaps I’ll take a look at the other work that’s out there surrounding retellings/extrapolations upon existing myths.

I happened to have a chat with Candice the other day, and when she asked me how my FYP was going, I mentioned to her about the topic I was working on (Castor and Pollux) and she told me she was not aware of the myth. So, using Candice’s comments as a benchmark, I’ve re-geared my presentation to begin with an overview of the myth and a focus on the death of Castor as the springing point for the trajectory of my project. This should help with immediately signposting my themes and ideas for those who may not know the myth.

It’s not all too surprising that people may be less aware of Castor and Pollux compared to other mythology stories that are more known. I watched Kingsman with someone who had zero knowledge of the Arthurian myths (which makes the entire film a lot less enriching, if you ask me). But I’m sure that the Avengers franchise has brought Norse mythology a bit closer to the fore. Greek mythology is a central element to Neil Gaiman’s seminal Sandman series, and I don’t think it’ll take much convincing to prove that this topic is worthy of an FYP.

The Grotesque in Art and Literature: Theological Reflections

“The function of the narrative is not to represent, it is to constitute a spectacle.” – Roland Barthes

The Grotesque in Art and Literature: Theological Reflections by James Luther Adams, Wilson Yates and Robert Penn Warren is a survey of the grotesque and its function with regard to the understanding of religion. While its focus on theology is not quite useful for the purposes of my FYP, the book ventures into attempts to define the grotesque which I found incredibly useful for my own understanding.

The roots of the term grotesque lie in grottesche, a word coined to describe the wall paintings of human-animal hybrids discovered in the grottoes and burial halls of Rome and its counterparts. Grotesque thus has its beginnings in encompassing these ideas of subterranean discovery and of a world that is unfamiliar given our affiliation with the light of the surface. I will not go into the history of the development of the grotesque in art – I was altogether more interested in the conception of what grotesque signifies.

The grotesque encompasses the idea of rejecting reason and immersing oneself in subconscious tendencies and imagery. It is often preoccupied with the concepts of sexuality and violence, which I feel is very much apparent in the ero guro nansensu genre that also interests me. Visual juxtapositions and clashing elements are often identified as grotesque – grotesque images inhabit the junctures between opposites and threaten the foundations of existence through their subversions of norms.

Wolfgang Kayser defines the grotesque as a paradoxical beast – it fuses what is incompatible and incites accordingly paradoxical reactions in the observer. One can be simultaneously fascinated and delighted and disgusted by the grotesque. Kayser’s central thesis lies in the grotesque being something that is a fusion of incompatible parts, and that its function is to illuminate the grotesque facets of human nature so as to facilitate the acceptance of evil as an inherent part of humanity.

Mikhail Bakhtin’s exploration of the grotesque in the writings of Rabelais contains ideas that are also worth exploring for the purposes of my project. Bakhtin considers the carnival grotesque an all-inclusive celebration of the unity of the spirit and the body. The uncensored function of the body in all its natural processes of respiration, reproduction, defecation and death is not something to be hidden for the purposes of glorifying the purity of the soul. Rather, the physicality of the body is to be celebrated alongside the spirit as a cohesive whole, and the grotesque serves to facilitate the acceptance of this principle.

Bakhtin’s definition of the grotesque includes its infinite possibilites and boundlessness, which may seem counter-intuitive for the purposes of a definition but make sense to me in the light of how conceptions of beauty appear to be structured along very clear boundaries as opposed to the visual diversity of what can be construed as grotesque. Perhaps it is also a matter of taste. Bakhtin’s conception of the grotesque is thus celebratory, an entreaty to engage with the fullness of humanity.

Geoffrey Galt Harpham posits that the grotesque alters with social and cultural norms. His view of what the grotesque might be is in agreement with Kayser’s. He makes reference to Thomas Kuhn’s idea of the paradigm shift – that as society undergoes metamorphosis, so does its conception of the grotesque. I now see the nature of the problem that haunted me for the past two weeks – the nebulous concept of the grotesque precludes a firm, fixed definition, which I find is recognized in Harpham’s line of thought. Finally, Harpham brings myth into his conception of the grotesque, where notions of the fantastic are a vessel for the possibility of alternatives to the familiar that could in some other universe be equally valid and true.

The analysis of the grotesque finishes with Ewa Kuryluk’s augmentation to the existing ideas of Kayser and Bakhtin. Kuryluk asserts that the grotesque is always counter-norm and counter-culture in nature and concerns itself with the realm of symbolism.

Another interesting idea with regard to the grotesque that I find manifesting in my own work (and in the references I admire) is the centrality of the female body to our understanding of what the grotesque might be. The female body, often stigmatized for its functions in religious texts and mythology (i.e. the idea that menstruation is a manifestation of the inherent unclean nature of the female body), has often been presented as a perversion of the perfect male form. The female genitals in particular have been adapted as visual language for the presentation of Hell itself.

While I personally find the conception of the unclean female body a dated and repulsive idea, it is clear to me that in the visual language of the grotesque the female body plays a significant role. In the ero guro nansensu works and the erotica that I have been inspired by, the distorted female body, whether metamorphosed or exposed, is far more prevalent than the distorted male body. The female form is a far more common visual subject than the male form, and has been so in much of the artistic tradition. One needs only to observe the nude human body in paintings to find that the female nude is far more documented than the male nude, and in a more objectified fashion.

The grotesque body “outgrows its own self, transgressing its own body,” as Bakhtin writes. This anchors my interest in the mutability of the human form to express that which is uncanny and different. The horror of the familiar (i.e. the female genitals) is at once distancing and intimate. I found that all the readings I’ve been looking at so far have brought the theoretical richness that I felt was lacking in my project so far. Moving ahead, I would like to reconsider the objectives for my thematic concerns and for my illustration and form up a more solid concept for my FYP.

My interest remains in the realm of the grotesque and of the body, but I may open the floor to hybrid forms that mix human and animal and plant. The purposes of this are not yet clear to me but any writing I do will concern itself closely with these ideas of the grotesque and the monstrous as a dark mirror for humanity and the self.

Monstrosity: The Human Monster in Visual Culture by Alexa Wright

Monstrosity: The Human Monster in Visual Culture by Alexa Wright explores the function of the monster and the monstrous in society, with subjects ranging from the Monstrous Races in the Arnstein Bible to more contemporary figures like the serial killer Myra Hindley. I made notes while I was reading to consolidate my thoughts and reflections.

The Monstrous Races.

Wright posits that the figure of the monster and the visualisation of the monstrous is a time-old tool that explores how the human identity is construed and made sense of. The Latin origin of the word monster, monstrare, suggests as much by its meaning to warn, to show or to advise.

By delineating the non-human, or the monstrous, what remains is by default the human and the familiar. Images of transgressive bodies make visible the nebulous threats of existence, and by knowing these monsters we attain a measure of comfort and safety. (Calling Voldemort by his name reduces his ability to incite fear – it’s the same means of thinking.)

The body and face are codified structures of normality and familiarity that help us understand the world. The divine proportions of the Vitruvian Man can be extended to the worldview of the Ptolemaic universe with Man at its centre, with the human body a microcosm of the well-organized world.

What of bodies that defy this form of order? The freakshow, popularized by PT Barnum, is cited as a reassurance of one’s own normalcy – it is a way of orchestrating an encounter with the other, with monstrous bodies, in a controlled environment with the comfort of as much distance as one wishes. The freakshow (aside from its history of controversy and exploitation) is to the normal body a means of safely locating distorted bodies in society. The exhibit of a freak performing tasks easily executed by the normal body reads as cathartic – even distorted bodies can become familiar to us as they perform everyday tasks we do not pause to contemplate.

The freakshow catches the viewer between empathy and voyeuristic fascination – the aggrandized mode of presenting a supposed freak invites the audience to identify with the monstrous body and assimilate it into our realm of understanding, giving to the monstrous body a human soul through focusing on the freak as a human being despite the appearance of otherness. The exotic mode, also regrettably used, emphasizes the difference of the monstrous body and often fetishizes and objectifies it.

Wright makes mention of Michel Foucault’s assertion that the monstrous body has long since lost its symbolic significance, yet the human mind remains fascinated by monsters and monstrosity. The book discusses the realm of the monstrous in terms of monstrous acts, the phenomenon of the serial killer manifesting society’s need to create monsters in new forms for contemporary times.

I feel that the socially-constructed monster is a scapegoat for the darker sides of human nature – we create monsters and project our discomforts, fears and anxieties onto them through physical and psychological lenses of being as a way of identifying what it is that we fear. This was quite a useful reading (I’m incredibly grateful that I can read extremely quickly) that helped me crystallize certain ideas that I want to use for the theoretical basis of my FYP. I approach my work in a similar way – sometimes I find myself creating my own illustrative monsters to cleanse my mind of negative feelings or stress.

The fascination of society with delineating the monstrous also speaks to me – through body horror, we are able to understand the foggy concept of the nonhuman and become aware of our own inherent humanity.

Weekly wrap-up

After running through my presentation in class on Friday, a few salient points:

  • My work is looking beautiful, but not quite grotesque. I’m glad that I’m not having much trouble hitting the beauty aspect of things but the grotesque is a theme that resonates with me, so I need to push myself more for this.
  • Synonyms for grotesque: strange, absurd, bizarre, monstrous, abnormal, uncanny, freakish, incongruous, weird, eerie, fantastic, ludicrous, aberrant
  • It might be useful to look at the illustration style of The Nuremburg Chronicle – Astrid recommended looking at the colour palette as well as the strange people with odd body augmentations. (The Nuremburg Chronicle is an illustrated history of the world with references to biblical lore.) I’ve included some of the images here.








My action plan for the next week or so is something like this:

  • Restructure my FYP Report outline to include all of the new references I’ve been looking at
  • Gouache paintings on wood to try and evoke the sensibility of all the vintage references I’ve collected
  • Continue building my story

Perspectives: The Grotesque

Extracts from Delimitating the Concept of the Grotesque by Peter Fingesten:

“The grotesque is a symbolic category of art that expresses psychic currents from below the surface of life, such as nameless fears, complexes, nightmares, angst. It is a dimension of intense and exaggerated emotions and intense and exaggerated forms. The main thrust of this paper is that in genuine grotesques there must be a congruity between subject matter, mood, and the visual forms in which they are cast.”

“Technically speaking, a grotesque consists of the presence and clash, incongruity, or juxtaposition of two or more different or even contradictory elements within the same work that may result in a visual and/or psychological surprise or shock.”

“There is an undeniable overlap between the categories of the grotesque and the fantastic. The difference is rather subtle, for both terms shade into several meanings. Therefore it is important to broaden the category of the fantastic while limiting that of the grotesque; in other words, narrow the gap between the grotesque and the fantastic.”

Passages from Rabelais And His World by Mikhail Bakhtin:

“Contrary to modern canons, the grotesque body is not separated from the rest of the world. It is not a closed, completed unit; it is unfinished, outgrows itself, transgresses its own limits. The stress is laid on those parts of the body that are open to the outside world, that is, the parts through the world enters the body or emerges from it, or through which the body itself goes out to meet the world. This means that the emphasis is on the apertures or convexities, or on various ramifications and offshoots: the open mouth, the genital organs, the breasts, the phallus, the potbelly, the nose. The body discloses its essence as a principle of growth which exceeds its own limits only in copulation, pregnancy, childbirth, the throes of death, eating, drinking, or defecation. This is the ever unfinished, ever creating body, the link in the chain of genetic development, or more correctly speaking, two links shown at the point where they enter into each other. This especially strikes the eye in archaic grotesque.”

From Modern Art and The Grotesque edited by Frances S. Connolly:

“Acknowledging that any attempt to define the grotesque is a contradiction in terms, we begin with three actions, or processes at work in the grotesque image, actions that are both destructive and constructive. Images gathered under the grotesque rubric include those that combine unlike things in order to challenge established realities or construct new ones; those that deform or decompose things, and those that are metamorphic. These grotesques are not exclusive of one another, and their range of expression runs from the wondrous to the monstrous to the ridiculous.”

“Grotesque also describes the aberration from ideal form or from accepted convention, to create the misshapen, ugly, exaggerated or even formless. This type runs the gamut from the deliberate exaggerations of caricature, to the unintended aberrations, accidents and failures of the everyday world represented in realist imagery, to the dissolution of bodies, forms and categories.”

“Victor Hugo’s observation has special resonance here: that ideal beauty has only one standard whereas the variations and combinations possible for the grotesque are limitless.”

“The grotesque is defined by what it does to boundaries, transgressing, merging, overflowing, destabilizing them. Put more bluntly, the grotesque is a boundary creature and does not exist except in relation to a boundary, convention or expectation.”

“As Jeffrey Jerome Cohen writes: “The monstrous body quite literally incorporates fear, desire, anxiety and fantasy, giving them life and an uncanny independence. The monstrous body is pure culture. A construct and a projection, the monster exists only to be read, the monstrum is etymologically ‘that which reveals’, that which warns.””



So today in class we had our usual FYP discussion, and I managed to crystallize even more of my project. In summary, what I am doing is called Case Studies of the Grotesque (working title), and in the tradition of books like The Resurrectionist I’m going to be working with a pseudoscientific approach and an 1800s-inspired aesthetic to tackle themes of grotesque fantasy and the foreignness of the human body.

What I need to do now is:
1. Focus on scientific visual language as well as writing (i.e. the kind of writing style in which research is penned down, for a sense of veracity in my own storytelling)
2. Investigate grotesque realism, metamorphosis, sex, erotica
3. Writings of Mikhail Bahktin pertaining to the grotesque body
4. Photography of Joel-Peter Witkin (for mise en scène in my compositions)
5. Is this a disease, genetic mutation or fantasy thing? It’s not really clear yet how these physical mutations I’m dealing with come about, and I haven’t clarified that yet.

So far, what I have is:
1. Several drawings for my Chinese village case study (related to Chinese face reading, except instead of moles it’s fingers)
2. A written case study about a circus freakshow, no drawings yet but I’m going to create compositions with this in the style of Witkin, alongside the other compositions I already have)
3. A half-written case study about a pleasure house whose inhabitants are these people in advanced stages of the disease (inspired by the erotica aspect of ero guro nansensu)

What motivates me is:
1. Lines of tension between the beautiful and the grotesque (Takato Yamamoto’s Heisei Aestheticism); this is especially present in ero guro nansensu as well as shunga
2. Detailed anatomical illustration – not scientific because such levels of accuracy are probably beyond my practice right now, but heavily inspired by traditions of scientific illustration

I’ll be blogging about all these separate topics over the next few hours to archive all the ideas that were generated in class and attempt to answer some of the questions that were raised for me to consider.

FYP Thesis/Report

Writing helps me place things in their proper mental boxes. I’ve been reading two of my favourite FYP reports (by Gillian and Qi Xuan, their projects are utterly captivating to me) over the past couple of days and I’ve decided to sketch out my FYP outline here as well after reading Beverley’s OSS (hi Bev I also think you’re inspiring).

1. Abstract
2. Introduction to project
3. Literature Review: body horror + psychosomatic afflictions + ero guro nansensu, layered/immersive narratives (House of Leaves, The Resurrectionist) and puzzle books, medical/scientific illustration, fiction and fact
4. Possible focus on my fascination with the grotesque, with horror and the human mind, madness
5. Writing as a key part of my process
6. Working process as a whole
7. Bibliograpy and references