I T ‘ S  S T O R Y T I M E  !


Members: Celine, Joey, Naomi, Nokwan


Our work involves each participant to contribute their sentence to form a story. With a time limit of 30seconds, they are required to scan through what was already written and then, add in their own. There’s a set of requirements (limitations) imposed however:

  • A character must disappear
  • A plot twist must be included

We further drive the difficulty up by placing 3 ballot lotteries for 3 people.


…The process is as important as the outcome, forming relationally aware peer enactments. – (Marc Garrett, 2014)


Compared to traditional art making by single artist, our work was based on contributions made by the participants. The process in which the story was made is as important as when the story was completed. Our work doesn’t just look at the completed piece of artwork at the ending, it was also about the experience and process the participants went through.

Real time interaction and reaction is something very unique in open-source practices. Seeing how their own contribution reflected in real time on the artwork encourages active contribution. The final artwork produced would also be very unpredictable and therefore be interesting.


Similarities/Differences from examples shown


  • Human Clock: Contributions (pictures/sentences) to the final piece of artwork are made at the point of time.
  • “Cut”: Contributions are made on the spot. A sense of uncertainty in introduced in the audiences as they might not be the first ones to want to contribute a specific area to cut or a certain sentence to the artwork.


  • Human Clock/The Sheep Market/Crowd-sourced Dating: The audience are not in a controlled environment. The audience are not obliged to contribute to the project. For crowd-sourced dating, the responses given by the audience can be very opened in a sense that it could be anything.



DIWO (Do-It-With-Others): Artistic Co-Creation as a Decentralized Method of Peer Empowerment in Today’s Multitude. Marc Garrett. February 2014.

Published by

Lung Nok Wan

7.1 me with music

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