Final Pieces! :D

Hi again!

Here are my final pieces!

First piece: A pair of boots and helmet. These are the necessities for entering a construction workplace. Safety is key in Singapore. Work done with charcoal. I love how beautifully charcoal can be smoothed out on paper.


Second Piece: A foreign worker who hides his emotions behind his smiles. Done with HB, 2B, 4B and 6B pencils. Occasional help from my handy mechanical pencil. Pencil and cotton bud played a part in texturing his skin. Outlined his headgear with charcoal, hoping to achieve a boomz effect where the focus is on his expression.


3rd Piece: Blue Star Dormitory. Done with my all time favorite pen, uni-ball Signo DX 0.28. My Pentel Marker helps in defining some of the thicker lines. And a little charcoal bits for shading.


And I thought I should also upload the one that I had done before my final piece. I kind of add some details without looking at the bigger picture. Thus I felt some parts are overly dark (mainly done with my thicker china pen instead of uni-ball 0.28). Thus I decide to redo it with a much cleaner profile.


Author: Lina Yee

Hi !

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