
Kim Kichul

Kichul Kim denies a typical notion of hearing the sound, and suggests a sound for seeing, which he calls ‘Sound Sculpture’ by molding the stereoscopic nature of sound into a three dimensional presence. The initial works were made in minimal and simplified forms in terms of the installation method and figuration; the pure form meets pure sound without reproduction or modification. For instance, subtle figures combined with sounds of nature or an indistinct note of a bell to reflect waters of the rain, ocean, valley and forest would touch the imagination of the audience. The artist creates a situation for audiences to have synesthetic experiences of both imagining and seeing through unlimited sound filling in the void rather than utterly phrasing a story behind. In his recent works <Sound Drawing> and <Rapport>, Kim invites the audience to make an active interaction of drawing, making sounds and watching movements made by the resonance of their voices.


Sound Looking-Rain


Sound installation

Inspired by the Buddhist concept of emptiness, the artist created a minimalist sound collage that mirrors falling rain with speakers and monofilament. The installation toys with viewers’ ability to be present in the moment, accepting the artificiality before them.
