Project 2: Nursery Rhyme

This project is to move beyond cliche solutions and habitual reaction to problem solving that leads to predictable results. Our goal is to manipulate, alter and deconstruct the given graphic imagery to transcend its original meaning through the creation of the indicated narratives.

The following picture is my final submission.

From left to right, top to bottom: Old MacDonald Had A Farm, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Mouse Ran Up The Clock, Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall.


For my final submission I did not wanted my works to be literal. Also, I would like viewers to take away something after viewing my work. Hence there is a lesson to take away from for each of my individual pieces. I themed my final submission “MORALES“.

Old MacDonald Had A Farm


For this work, I picked on the word “had”. Old MacDonald used to have a fun loving farm but not anymore. Now he is pictured as the crazy psyco clown who abuse and kill animals. He has converted his farm into a slaughterhouse. I want to address the issue of animal abuse in this work. I researched on artists that had made an impact on fighting for animal rights and are against animal abuse. The main inspiration is from Gale Hart who came up with the work “Why not eat your own pet?’. Other artists include Sue Coe who grew up hearing the rattling of chairs and screaming from the local abattoir at her home. The normalisation of mass slaughter became inspiration for her graphic paintings. The take away from this work is “Be kind to animals.”.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


For this work, I want to address the issue of social media. A lot of people are trying to be popular on social media and they are not being themselves and are fake. The crack in the photo means that even though you may be popular but you are empty inside. You don’t have any true friends as you have been fake. The take away from this work is “Be yourself.”.

The Mouse Ran Up The Clock


The mouse in this work refers to humans. The hands on the clock are real hands who are always trying to chase and catch us. It depicts time. Time waits for no man and we have to be constantly moving to keep up and not let time catches us. The take away from this work is “Time is precious.”.

Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall

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For this work, I took the idea from the Roman Empire. Humpty Dumpty in this case is the Roman Empire and the the great fall refers to the fall of the Roman Empire. I got the inspiration from burning Roman buildings. The crumbling bricks are in a wave motion. The take away from this work is “Learn the mistakes of history and never make them again.”.


The following images are pages from my sketchbook and my research done.

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Overall I felt that this project was very interesting as it allowed me to explore different ways to express a nursery rhyme which could be really boring if conveyed literally. It was a fun experience doing up this project.

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