Lore: Korvarrin Imperial Law

As previously established, Korvar has very little by way of law enforcement, and most of the kingdom exists in a sort of perpetual anarchy. However, the laws still exist, and a few are actually enforced.

1.1- No civilian is permitted to bear firearms.

Civilians found possessing firearms are required to immediately surrender the weapon and pay a hefty fine to the crown, or else be detained and tried. Depending on the outcome of the trial, the offender may either serve a jail term or be executed. If the civilian in question returns the weapon to the crown of their own volition, and no otherĀ firearmsĀ are found in their possession later, they will not receive any punishment.

1.2 – Only the Royal Guard and the Mirror Guard, and the Imperial Army, may bear firearms.

Members of these groups are therefore responsible for the ownership of their firearms, and any found to have sold, traded, or misplaced their weapon will be summarily fined, fired, have all rights and privileges revoked, stripped of rank, and blacklisted. The law has only been recently amended, where before the amendment offenders were executed via guillotine, and before that, by being flayed then burnt alive.

1.3 – Exceptionally long blades also constitute as weapons, and civilian ownership is prohibited.

This is a law rarely enforced, as different regions have different cultural standards for ‘exceptionally long’, and the law books offer no further clarification or specifics on the acceptable range of lengths for blades. Most regions have come to the general consensus that blades north of one meter are probably too long, however.

2 – Defacing or damaging public utilities, such as the Mirror Halls and wells, is prohibited.

The Mirror Halls serve to provide the underground with light. Damaging or obscuring any of the mirrors deprives large sections of the underground from receiving sunlight, and offenders caught will be arrested and subject to whipping once a week for the duration of their incarceration. If the mirrors are damaged beyond repair, the offender will by executed at the guillotine. Children are not exempt. The law is not as strict regarding the wells: vandals of the wells do not face the threat of execution.

3 – All civilians must pay an annual tax to the crown.

For the upkeep of the above mentioned public utilities and salaries of the guards. The Guard rarely has to involve themselves in the enforcement of this law. Most citizens are quite compliant, and offenders are usually punished by their own communities. Tax-avoidant communities, or tribes, do exist. Most times, other tribes will refuse to associate or trade with them, otherwise organised raids will be led against them as ‘acceptable targets’. They rarely last long.

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