Tag: Interactive

Reading Analysis 1

A Critique of Social Practice Art By: Ben Davis In this article, the author discusses about social practice art and criticizes it’s effectiveness and its classification as art, using the Project Row Houses as a case study.   “I was doing big, billboard-size paintings and cutout sculptures dealing with social issues…If I was an artist, he said, why didn’t I… Read more →

The Internet of Things – Sega Dreamcast

Definition Oxford dictionary definition “the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.” Internet and Gaming Currently online gaming features is essentially a must for any game that wants to be taken seriously. Even if it isnt a multiplayer game, some for of online features will be slapped on. Sega… Read more →

Morse Armlet bracelet Process

Project Idea Idea: To create a bracelet that sends encouraging messages in morse-code vibrations when it is rubbed anxiously. Aim:  Create a focus point for the wearer’s anxiety and also comfort them. Inspiration: Leo Valdez from Rick Riordan’s “The Heroes of Olympus”. Leo Valdez and his mother when working in opposite ends of a large workshop would tap out morse messages like… Read more →

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