Living Dead

Group Members: Ben, Hui Qin and Mindy

Making use of YouTube Cards, we have created our own interactive video. The narrative fragments would give clues and information, allowing the audience to piece together their personal interpretation of the narrative. In this story, you would be following Jon, a middle-aged man to work and help him make choices. These choices made will alter the nuance and direction of the story you would watch.

You can start with the Youtube Playlist here.

Youtube “Living Dead” Guide

If you ever get lost, here’s a guide to fall back onto.

Behind the scene and planning for the shoot

We planned out the storyline in words and did a storyboard so that we could follow.

Initial Mindmap
Details of each scene (1)
Details of each scene (2)


Group members: Ying Quan, Charmaine and Mindy

A narrative titled “FRIENDS” entirely told through Facebook using fictional accounts in a span of one week. This is a story being told by three friends: Jackie, Charlotte and Emily regarding trust, friendship and perhaps revenge?

You can follow these accounts here:




Full googles slides can be found here. (User and passwords in here too)

Michael: to Jackie’s Live:

Posted by Jackie Lim on Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Link to Charlotte’s Live:

Posted by Charlotte Lin on Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Link to confrontation:

You call yourselves close friends… But a single piece of doubt and you turn your back on each other. Pathetic.

Posted by Michael Yap on Thursday, 11 April 2019

Link to video:

Posted by Jackie Lim on Saturday, 13 April 2019

The Journey


All Souls’ Day, October 1st

10.33am. Finally! Neewollah Town, here I come! I had been wanting to visit their famous Jack-O-Funfest. It is one of the largest, most extravagant, and hyped-up for in the states. It has tons of activities such as Hellrider bike race, pumpkin-sledging and a haunted roller coaster ride which passes through the Wicked Valley of the East. I’m such a sucker for spooky things.  Lemme just stick in a poster here.

3.33pm.  Driving pass a nearly deserted toll, gushes of wind blew.


A sudden chill went down my spine as goose bumps dotted across my skin. In my mind, I ecstatically thought, it’s gonna be fun here.


Further driving through the town, there is a welcoming  banner stretched across the road which said:

“Welcome to the otherworld, where nightmarish creatures reign supreme.”

As I drove past the neighbourhood, there seems to be no one in sight. That’s weird. Isn’t this the time of the year where people should be hustling and bustling around or kids going around?

Despite the fact that the town was void of people, there were spooky decorations adorning each cottage. Coffins. Skeletons. Reapers. Pumpkins. Candles. All the sinister stuff you can name, I bet you can find them here.


6.33pm. Driving mindlessly around the town, the sun had gone to take a nap. Whereas the moon and stars started to party. I was exhausted and famished after exploring the town. I started heading towards my lodging for the night.

7.33pm. Before going into my motel, I observed the door was scratched and dented with chipped brown varnish, it had a brass coloured lock and doorknob dulled with age and spiderwebs. It was like a gateway to hell. As I approached the front desk, the receptionist greeted in a deep voice and said: “well hello there”… and as he turned I saw

My first instinct was …