WK 9 – Final project – idea proposal refinement

This week we etablished groups to work on the final project; Creating a user experience.

Beforehand, I had prepared different refined ideas of how to activate dead spaces in the MRT as shown below:

User Experience Design, MRT, dead spaces
User Experience Design, MRT, dead spaces

Also in our group for the last project we decided to work with activating spaces in MRT stations where we localized three possible main areas where we can to create an user experience in:

  1. Platform (gameplay)
  2. Stairs (gameplay/encourage use)
  3. Corridors (immersive environment) 

For the different areas we further discussed what kind of user experience which could be relevant in the given area as shown above. Herafter we planned to do some individual  research on the topic:

Research: Activating dead spaces MRT

Below you’ll find examples of different surfaces in various MRT station where the possible user experience can be integrated:

Research, Dead spaces, User Experience, Final project

Research, Dead spaces, User Experience, Final project

deadspaces2 deadspaces3

Finding from the research in MRT

People is often in hurry when they get from A to B. Furthermore I discovered that they often uses their mobile phones when they are on their ways.

At the platform people tend to stand in queues but on the same time it was observed that some people stand in front of the door and rush in (assumed to get a seat first).

Location is different and this also the different MRT’s layout.

It was observed that people tend to have different walking speed which can have a negative influence during peak hours.

Possible technology

Below you find different examples of how to use different technologies to create a user experience on different surfaces and locations:



Further iterations: Designing User Experience by activating dead spaces 

Below you find new sketches/descriptions of different ideas regarding activating dead spaces in the MRT conducted after done more research in the MRT:

User Experience, Final project, Refinement, Dead spaces, MRT, Field studies
User Experience, Final project, Refinement, Dead spaces, MRT, Field studies