Sound Explorations P2

Round 2 of my sound explorations recorded from my digital desktop landscape:

01 Typing Glitch –
source: keyboard typing
effects: beat repeat, grain delay, chorus, auto pan, Warp
alterations: high pitch, high frequency, deconstructed beats, 95% feedback, 100% wet

02 Digital Giggle Loop –
source: two girls laughing during a Skype call
effects: Beat repeat, Chorus, Loop & Warp
alterations: Flounch chorus with zero feedback and 100% wet, Vocal Fun beat repeat with high variation and high chance, Sharing Auto Pan with quick back and forth L to R

03 Defiance –
source: voice on Skype saying “I don’t think I will… I don’t agree with this”
effects: Loop & Warp, auto Filter, 2x Vocoder
alterations: Chromatic Vocoder with all individual bandpass filters at same highest level so its instrumental, octaves mod vocoder with only a few individual bandpass filters open at all; auto filter Only the Good Parts with high envelope attack dropping off sounds after 1K

04 Snapchat Filters? –
source: one voice asking a question on Skype
effects: Vocoder x2, Auto pan
alterations: Noise Drums Vocoder with pitch tracking and high bandpass filters for all (low pitched snapchat filters); even panning between left and right for spacial alterations; Octave Mood vocoder with few bandpass filters in use (high pitched snapchat filters)

Desktop Draft 02

After watching my desktop recording, I think it is a little too static in representing my desktop interactions. Watching the live screen recording through OBS and using my windows at a small size did not allow me to accurately interact with my desktop how I normally would. I think I would either need to practice using OBS or go back to desktop screen recording as we did last week to most precisely show my digital landscape as it typically exists.

On the other hand, I think this video does explain how my mind multitasks quite poorly. Even though I always have multiple windows, tabs and desktops open, I am always singularly focused to the point where I was not even watching the New Girl video as I was typing or scrolling through youtube, etc. In this sense, maybe the video does capture my desktop life well.

JonCates – Glitch

As I read the conversation with jonCates and researched some of the glitch media artists’ pieces, I found most interesting how he talks about the system which he creates in his works. These glitched systems may malfunction or be loud or have mistakes but Cates considers these imperfect aberrations to be the essence of his artworks.

“A poetic embrace of noise and error,”

the glitch media works to show the messy reality of our technologically driven lives, but in a positive and playful manner.

No doubt, communication in our lives heavily takes place on the web or through technology. This gap between the language of our daily interactions and the language we use on our machines is closing in terms of how we handle ourselves on each. As this gap closes, our lives evolve into a techno-social system like that in Cates’s video. In this techno-social system, we communicate both in reading information and sharing it out to others. Cates calls this

“the performance of everyday life that we’re all doing all the time with all of our technologies.”

Can living be measured by our use of technologies? I don’t believe so, at least not entirely. But it can be a valuable source of information and data storage, a platform in which we live out our communication and therefore, our life.

As our lives revolve around these complex tech-social interactions, technology-facilitated communications start to reflect our instinctive verbal communication and language. Yet, jonCates doesn’t seem to reflect life accurately, choosing to break the reality of daily interactions through layering of text, noises and web interactions in his glitch work. It seems that this is what gives the glitch media the name “dirty new media,” speaking to the chaotic reality of our lives which is reflected in how we use technology. However, I would argue that because it deviates from logic and our communication habits (such as pausing, thinking, reflection, silence, etc.) the glitch media example of BOLD3RRR was not very pleasing to watch or listen to. Cates believes glitch aesthetic is growing in popularity to the point where it is not

“exclusively resistant or exclusively political,”

but I think the glitch media art field would need to greatly expand for the aesthetic to be more accepted or logical.