in Final Project

The Desktop as Therapy

Earlier this year, I went through a break up and found myself trying to cope in a variety of ways, which often entailed the use of technology. I journaled both physically and digitally, which helped me organized my thoughts. I also spend a lot of my time perusing the internet for psychology articles and videos, which I often try to relate to my personal life. Most importantly, I used video chat frequently to reach out to a number of friends, helping me establish a supportive network when I am away from home.
My interior landscape video consists of all of these elements: digital journaling, video calling, youtube psychology videos, and online psychology articles. The audio is taken from my part of a conversation that I was having with a dear friend of mine. The audio from my voice primarily drives the narrative of the video, which is about what I’ve learned from my past relationship and unpacking my more toxic behaviors from my childhood and my relationship to my parents. The narrative is not too abstracted but it doesn’t the traditional format of exposition, conflict and resolution; rather, it provides glimpses into my emotional state in regards to how I work through an emotional issue.
 My piece was influenced by Walter Woodman and Patrick Cederberg’s short film Noah in that it explores the digital space as a medium for romance and heartbreak. The audio looping and effects were used minimally to enhance certain phrases for thematic purposes, which was partly influenced by Pamela Z’s Geekspeak. The desktop is a deeply personal space in the sense that I use it to journal in private and to scavenger for pieces of self help, but it is also an intimate space in which I deeply connect with those I care about.

  1. In revisiting the video after our conversation last night, I can see that the playfulness of your interaction with your friend grows of a relationship in which we conduct ourselves in sometimes silly ways as a method of working through deeper issues. Perhaps it is a generational difference between us, as I would take that kind of response as mockery, which was what I trying to get at last night. But in fact, judging from your response, I can see that these antics are exactly what is needed to lighten the troubling issues in our life, such as a breakup.

    I think this sense of playfulness extended itself throughout the work, including the way that you animated the therapy media, creating a world around you of therapeutic interaction, stimulation, and play. At least that is how I see it!

    I liked your conclusion regarding the intimacy of the space. Your piece underscores how the desktop can be a creative, therapeutic, and information space that gets you through even the darkest moments.

    Well done!