Reflection on “Critical Play: The Productive Paradox” by Mary Flanagan

As my final project for the class involves developing a game, I was in particular drawn to Mary Flanagan’s essay, “Critical Play: The Productive Paradox”. In the piece, she analyses, using different game examples, how a game can be critical. Flanagan (2016) summarises it in three ways: “a game could just be critical in the …

The Lapse Project: INTER-MISSION Research

The Lapse Project is an interactive installation by the Singaporean art collective, INTER-MISSION. It is a five-component work which “imagines a world that is constituted through interfaces where places of artistic and cultural identities become editable and can just as easily be switched on or off” as explained by Samantha Yap (2018) in The Lapse …

Lines – Interactive Art Research

LINES is a three-part interactive art installation by Swedish composer Anders Lind. First erected in Umeå, Sweden, the piece involves coloured lines attached to the wall, the floor and the ceiling. Each part of the installation is, essentially, a musical instrument. They all explore a different aspect of music: tempo, pitch and dynamics. Visitors are …