Reading Response: Jan Chipchase—Hidden In Plain Sight: How To Create Extraordinary Products For Tomorrow’s Customers.

Jan Chipchase emphasizes the importance of user experience designers to immerse themselves in the group of people that they are designed for. In-field research creates more meaningful connections and understandings of the routines and cultural habits. No matter how nuanced online secondary research is, it will never be as accurate as primary in-field research. Rapid Cultural Calibration can be done by taking part in rush hour commutes and mundane task/chores. Key cultural points of contact in a daily routine: commuting systems, airports, bus stops, barbershops/salons, eating, and signs. 

What are breaching behaviours? This thought brings attention to what is culturally accepted in the community. For example, eating on public transit. It is an act that can be fined in Singapore and Taiwan whereas, in Toronto, Canada, it is normal to be eating on public transit. Why is eating not allowed in public transit? How does the authority figure enforce these rules? Signs within a city prohibiting actions can say a lot about stress points in behaviours and preferences. 

Author: Jessie Zhou

Graphic design exchange student from the University of Waterloo in Canada

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