Exploratory Research

    1. There are a lot of issues that’s confronting our world today. When it comes to the environment, plastic is a big problem. BBC explains that plastic is used for a lot of things in today’s society and that some plastics can be hard to recycle. The plastic ends up in the ocean, in animal stomachs and on land where it doesn’t biodegrade (https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/42810179).
      Food supply and undernourished children is another issue. The UN explains that the amount of people affected by this issue has been rising since 2015 (https://www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/food/index.html). One in nine people today can´t get enough food. The global demand of food and the prices has been rising, which doesn’t make it any easier.

      The third issue I read about is gender equality. Even though it has improved over the passed years, The Guardian writes about a study where it’s proved that men received higher salary than the women for the same job (https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/mar/12/equality-commission-investigate-bbc-gender-pay-gap).

      Another environmental issue is climate change. One big factor is the food we eat, which I find very interesting. The Guardian describes that it’s unsustainable to produce, eat and throw away food in the way we do (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth). 60 % of the greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture is provided by the meat and dairy industry. By changing to a vegan diet we can reduce both the greenhouse gases and the usage of land and water. The change in diet is the best way to reduce the impact we have on the earth.

    2. I find the issue about our diet very interesting, since food habits are something we get from where we grow up, but still affects all humans, and animals, on earth. BBC also writes about how a change in diet is one of the keys to decrease our impact on the world (https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-49238749). One quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions comes from agriculture, where more than half of it is contributed by animal products. Some people mention that we can’t reach our climate targets without reducing our meat consumption. In the previous mentioned article by The Guardian they write that only 18% of the food calories and 37% of the protein is produced by livestock, but still it takes up more than 80% of farmland. They also mention that agriculture is important for some of the poorest countries, but the most important aspect would be to moderate the consumption of animal products. The issue doesn’t only affect the planet, it affects the body on the individual level as well. University of Southern California writes about a study where they found out that a diet high in animal protein increases the risk of dying in cancer by four times (https://news.usc.edu/59199/meat-and-cheese-may-be-as-bad-for-you-as-smoking/).
    3. A lot of people today know that some food is bad, both for the environment and for themselves, but sometimes they don’t seem to have the motivation to change their habits. Those are the people I would like to reach. I want to make it easy to try new food that’s good for yourself and the planet – to show something that’s just “tasty easy food” and not seen as a restriction from other food. A lot of younger people are already taking action, instead I want to target people that just moved and started cooking by themselves, or people working and having habits, but have the mindset to be able to change. I think people aged 20-40 would be interested in my products. The target audience need a guide to motivate them to try something new. The effect will be that more people reduces their intake of animal products.

  1. https://www.surfrider.org/coastal-blog/entry/new-rise-above-plastics-print-psas-from-pollinate This is a similar issue, where they show that the bad actions affect us humans directly. This is raising awareness by scaring people and showing an extremepicture of the truth. Pollinate Agency in Portland created these posters for the Surfrider foundation in year 2011. I don’t always like these kinds of posters, because sometimes they can make people be scared and look away instead of making them engage more, but I think they made it very well. I really like how they converted the plastic as something we see as food. Also, I liked the way they used the blue color that both indicates ocean, connects with the logo and makes it feel unnatural to see in the food. They’ve used hierarchy in a very good way to lead the eye from top to bottom of the poster. Both in color and size of objects and typography. The message is very clear and it makes it hard to look away, probably even if you would have seen it amongst a lot of other posters. It makes you think a lot about what you do with plastic.

     Another campaign is #Tastedontwaste were all the European countries participated with campaigns and workshops to not throw away food. This is one example made by 999Design and Keep Scotland Beautiful. This is alsoabout food and wastage, but more encouraging than the previous one. It’s very friendly and colorful and give tips instead of only telling people that they’re doing something wrong. They’ve highlighted some words in different colors to make them stand out in a very effective way. I like how they combined the shape of the onion with the shape of the bowl. I would like to see what other formats they made during the campaign. The logo “Don’t waste our future” makes the message clearer, but you might have to keep your eyes on the poster for a little while to process the message. The typeface on the green poster doesn’t stand out to much, the eye is more drawn to the faces.https://storage.googleapis.com/planet4-international-stateless/2018/03/698c4c4a-summary_greenpeace-livestock-vision-towards-2050.pdf  The third visual communication that I’ve had a look at is this e-book made by Greenpeece in 2018. It’s about how to reduce meat and dairy for a healthierlife and planet and I think they did it in a very good way. It’s very playful in both illustrations and the typeface, which might be good in contrast to all the heavy data. The theme is very clear through with the same color scheme used through the entire book, which also is representing Greenpeace as an organization. The book has a lot of text and statistics from researches, but it’s way easier to read thanks all the illustrations and infographics. As a whole I think it’s a good guide, but it might still be a bit long to read if you’re not interested in the matter. For me it was very engaging to read, but that might be because I’m interested and want to learn more.

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