Zero Waste: Research and Process


For ideas, I looked out for objects that generate most waste, and developed sketches for my sculpture from them. Some of the items included, plastic straws, cups, glasses, bags cans etc, that we come across everyday in canteens and food stalls.

Some of the designs that inspired me to think about tissue paper and straws as potential objects were:

But the one that really struck me was this:

So, after consultation with Prof, I decided to go ahead with Paper cups as my object, instead of wood logs, and in place of the glass top, I proposed to incorporate solar panels, which would make the sculpture not only a mere piece of art, but something more useful, actually working towards our goal.


I drew a few rough sketches before starting to work on the model, to get a fair idea of what it should look like:

I began by spray painting the glasses and covering the top with foil. Then I stuck together glasses with hot glue gun but soon realized that it would need some external support because of the nature of the objects I was using. So I attached wire to support the structure and then stuck the  straws.

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