1. I shared with Karl about my observations during the stay in the cell while gulping the verdura liquid, trying to save some for him too.

    ‘The prison guards would always change every 4 hours. During this time of change, they would have some information from the Chancellor. They mentioned that in order to get out of here, I have to tell them who the person is that led me to get a face but it would mean that the Chancellor will brainwash everyone to serve him.’

    Karl stared at me with disgust as I did not want to sacrifice myself to save him. I convinced him to listen to what I have in mind.

    ‘Every time to guard comes over to give you a mediocre bowl of verdura liquid, you try to see where the keys are. When you have seen it, discuss with me. Next, when the verdura liquid is done return the bowl by sliding it out to the guard. Then I’ll pretend to get into a fight with you to get out while getting hold of the keys and throw it over to you to get yourself out. I’ll try to squirm my way out of the guard hold and meet you at the Faccia town.’