OSS: Facilitating the Sharing of Failures & Successes

Failed research studies that have found blind alleys account for only 14% of published papers, according to this article by The Economist.

In the teaching and learning of visual representation and expression, knowing what has failed, is just as important as knowing what has succeeded, because without access to these unsuccessful attempts, we inadvertently waste limited resources exploring these same blind alleys already explored by other artists.

It is imperative that I explore how OSS provides teachers and learners with access to a repository of successes and failures in curriculum planning, curriculum enactment, and evaluation, as teachers and learners work on their individual and group projects.

How does this openness afforded by OSS and vulnerability online bear on teaching and learning? Do learners and teachers self-censor their work, and manufacture identities that differ markedly from their onsite or online behaviour? Will the openness make learners and teachers more of less inhibited? Will they be more guarded, or more impulsive in their discourse? Does this openness facilitate collaborative learning?

OSS Gripe/Wish List: Time Stamp to Indicate Post Updated

When I update my posts, it merely says “Post updated. View post” at the top of the page.

I have the habit of making multiple small changes (often typos) and hence updates in a very short span of time, and have no idea, if the post has been updated with the latest changes, after clicking the Update button, as I do so, as many as 11 times.

It’d be wonderful if users could see a time stamp at the top, beside”Post updated. View post“, like in Facebook and GMail, so that I instantly know if my latest change has been updated, without needing to view the post?