Revolution & Gravity

revolution & gravity, Fujimoto Yukio, 2019
revolution & gravity, Fujimoto Yukio, 2019

Revolution & Gravity is a piece by Fujimoto Yukio which integrates a music box to a glass tube filled with various ingredients such as salt, pepper, sugar cubes etc. The glass tubes utilises the rotary function of the music box to rotate, causing the ingredients within to shift, which induces sounds. These sounds complement the music that plays from the music box, adding a spontaneous harmony to the music.

mixed media (marble, glass tube, music box, metal pedestal) 14.7 x 19 x 5.5 cm 

Fujimoto cleverly relies on the system of the music box to play music as well as to rotate the glass box, which causes the ingredients to constantly shift. The subtlety of this work and how it gives nonchalent everyday noises the spotlight is captivating.

Mixed media (solar salt, glass tube, music box, metal pedestal) 14.7 x 17.2 x 5.5 cm

Revolution & Gravity is a generative artwork as it relies on the system of the music box and the shape, position and components of the ingredients in the glass tube to create sounds that are unpredictable, spontaneous and random, such that when the music box stops and replays again, a totally different harmony will be created each time, and the same sound can never be made twice.

Mixed media (rock salt, glass tube, music box, metal pedestal) 14.8 x 16.7 x 5.5 cm

“Mundane sounds in which I had no interest until that point began to captivate my attention. The sounds of turning a page, placing a cup on the table, clothes getting rubbed, and coins discharged from a vending machine… These were never simple ‘insignificant’ sounds, which cannot be artificially generated by putting together waveforms, but flush with extremely high density content. In addition, although almost all of them were small sounds, they retained their own idiosyncrasies and sounded mettlesome in their specific environments.” – Fujimoto Yukio