Project 2 – Mindmap & Moodboard

Hello there!

For project 1, I picked butterfly to be my animal and I will continue using butterfly for project 2 too.


Below is a mind map of things, traits and thoughts that linked to butterfly. There are 4 major topics: Patterns, Feminine, Growth and Butterfly effect. The ones that are circle in pink are topics or themes that I am interested to work on.

Mindmap of a Butterfly (images taken from


The 5 keywords that describe my project are: Elegant, Vibrant, Illustrative, Simpe & Subtle. So overall, what I had in mind was the concept of females such as feminism, women empowerment or breast cancer. Hence I created 3 similar yet different moodboard, as I was unsure if I am able to change it in the later part of this project.

Moodboard 1

Above is my most favourite moodboard among all 3. It has the power vibe into it yet it is not striking because the pink and nude colours that help the red to tone down.

Moodboard 2
Moodboard 3

Moodboard 3 has this subtle, soft look to it yet edgy (maybe because most images are product or architecture). But if I were to pick now, most likely I will pick Moodboard 1.