Anoosha Syed Portfolio Analysis (Foxville Art)


Use the creative portfolio/branding presence of the person you chose for your creative industry presentation and analyze the following:

1. What are the main platforms that the artist/designer uses to communicate their brand?

  • Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, Tumblr

2. How do they utilize each platform effectively?

Instagram – Daily updates about her personal life as an illustrator/character designer on her IG stories.

Twitter – Tweets her daily progress and upcoming illustration projects. Retweets other artists’ artwork to show support and expand connections.

LinkedIn – Shows achievements, educations and experiences attained in her working life. Includes endorsement from others for the skillset that she has attained for the past years.

Tumblr/Vlog – Share tips and advices for other artists on how she comes up with her illustrations. Not stingy with her knowledge and willing to share.

3. What did they do in their biography to communicate themselves effectively?

  • Includes her full name, race and where she is currently based
  • Gives a brief of what she is working as and include achievements for major companies (Disney Jr, DreamWorks TV and Netflix)
  • Indicated that she is “always looking for new projects and creating opportunities”
  • Add links for portfolio website and twitter (platform she’s more active in)
  • Includes the agent’s information

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