Case study: Sonoport

The visit to Sonoport opened my eyes on entrepreneurship and the media scene in Singapore.

When arriving at the offices, I am surprised to see such an open office with a small group of people working on very  different aspects of a project.

Sonoport, as a brand, was very clear in its objectives. They are able to clearly recognize their targets audience and decide who they want to market their products to. As sound on the internet is new, Sonoport saw opportunities in multiple areas, mainly: advertising and social media. Sonoport was decisive in their project goals and they met up respective organisations that would be interested in invest in those areas.

I really like Sonoport’s determination to push their products to showcase that it is a concept that works. For them to come up with their own line of dish soap for the advertisement was something most entrepreneurs would not do.

Sonoport’s take on competition is very unique, they focus on the areas that other companies do not have and secure their clients so that they are still entitled to the funding that is necessary. However, in Singapore, Sonoport is relatively a pioneer in web-based audio storage system, thus minimizing the number of competition on a national level.


I believe that sounds in advertisements are often viewed as invasive and unnecessary. Have Sonoport looked into non-invasive types of advertisements? (eg. advertisements that people want to look or to find out about the product instead of pop-ups or sidebar advertisements)

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