Category Archives: Perfect Pitch

Assignment 3 – Phase 2 ( The Narrowing Down of Narrowing down)

Here’s the 2 projects that I have settled on:

  1. Solo Project


Braces is a crowd funding social project where I can document my trial and errors to make a set of braces myself. Then I will show the world how they can make their own as well. This project will take a span of 1 year and it has to take place before I graduate from ADM.

2. Group Pitch


This is an Hack and Slash Game for my FYP (Together with Faye and Jazlyn). Players get to an wonderous yet dangerous enovironment within a school boys mind. This project is broken into 2 parts. One for the FYP (which consist of only a demo) and the other is the full game. The formal will take around 8 months to a year while the latter will take around 2 to 3 years.

Perfect Pitch

Individual project with $500:
Idea 1: I want to create a set of braces for myself, especially when now 3D printing is so advanced. And I would show my research and development so that other people can do it too.

Idea 2: Publish a book with my writings and pictures that I have created.

Project with 5 millions:

Idea 3: I want to create a international game studio with actual infrastructure and industry professionals.

Idea 4: Set up an educational team that provides in school counseling and help for students outside of curriculum in all areas.

Project with 2 people and $500:

Idea 5: I would create a small game and use the 500 dollar to hire someone else with expertise that my partner and I cannot do.