Pandora’s Box (Part 2)


FInal Models

1-Siege of Stalingrad

I wanted to express contrast by juxtaposing materials that interact varyingly with light  through my final composition. 


Materials and Process

Dominant : Opaque Single Plywood piece sawed down and sprayed with wood varnish , wedged into SD

Sub Dominant : 4 x Frosted Acrylic Sheets glued together

Sub Ordinate : 2.8mm diameter Reflective Brass Tube sprayed with glow in the dark paint , pierced through SD and D (movable hence its relative visible length can be altered)


Wood should have 1/3 of its length wedged in to prevent imbalance as seen in final model

2-Invasion of Normandy

For this model I wanted to express contrast by juxtaposing materials of varying textures yet similar shapes in my final composition


Materials and Process

Dominant : 4x Plywood pieces glued together and finished with Stone Textured spray

Sub Dominant : 2 x Clear and Smooth Acrylic Sheets glued together, pierced through D (slideable hence its relative visible length can be altered)

Sub Ordinate : 3mm thick Shiny and Reflective Brass Strip cut into pieces and glued together, wedged into SD


Use a more solid or heavier base to prevent volume from tilting or toppling


1-Siege of Stalingrad

Application 1 – Front View – Contemporary Vase


Application 2 – Side View – Boat Jetty

Pandora’s Box (Part 1)


Both these themes evoke a sense of conflict and hence I decided to name my models after historic battles – Siege of Stalingrad, the Invasion of Normandy and Battle of Waterloo.


Use of piercing and wedging to reinforce this idea of discordance and conflict within the models.

Initial MODELS



Issues to be addressed : Width of SO too similar to Length of D, Presence of D and SD slightly conflicting, overall form too static to display Discordance, 1/3 ratio not potentialised fully.



Issues to be addressed: Length of SO and Width of D almost the same, 1/3 ratio not potentialised fully, use of cuboids throughout need to be adjusted to avoid lack of dynamism.



Issues to be addressed: SO too thin and is hidden from some view points apart from the ones shown. Model also seemed very similar when compared with Model 1. Hence I decided to focus on the previous two models for further exploration.

Final Sketch Models



Changes :

  • SO is thinned down drastically from its initial width into a long toothpick.
  • SO is also pierced through both the SD and D diagonally to convey emphasised Discordance instead of simply being wedged.
  • 1/3 ration enforced as much as possible without compromising concept



Changes :

  • Height of SO decreased to compensate for its width’s similarity to Length of D
  • SD’s Length is increased while it is thinned and pierced through D
  • SO is wedged into SD with a gap that acts a void instead of being flushed all the way in