Final Project

My Final work is inspired by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. I’m particularly interested in the last few scene of the masterpiece.

The man stayed in the space station for the rest of his life until he passed away. I love the decoration in the room, which is clean and a combination of traditional style and technology. I wanted to create this emptiness in the space station in my first draft of the final. So I originally wanted to paint five pictures showing a day in space station, using only blue white and black. But the downside is the theme is a bit flat.

So I changed my mind to completely constructing my own story of a spaceman. So here comes the first draft of the second picture of my final.It is referred to this painting.

I want to place a window showing the beautiful space. I later found it so important in composition that I keep enlarging the window sizeĀ  and in final draft, I made it a French window.

I did some research on the hibernation pod. I want to keep it simple. I also want to let the audience know there is someone just came out of the pod without drawing the man. So I tried to make the smoky effect around the pod. Then I also added two more repeating pod to emphasize on this point.

My last picture is quite a happy coincidence. At first I was really confused on how to paint a expression with brush, then I decided to experiment with some fast dry brush stoke above the base color. It works! And it surprisingly worked well on reflection.

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