Project EGO: Artist Inspiration

Hello World,

Today’s blog post will be focused on some of the Artists who have greatly inspired me in process of my findings for my panel of work. These works draw upon psychoanalysis, free-association, dreams, and the unconscious which I found to be amusing.

Contemporary Artists that do amazing Surrealistic Works which I found to be interesting –                Christian Schloe


 I enjoy her take on the surrealistic aspect of her artwork, and how an ordinary looking portrait can instantaneously look “zeng-ed” after the addition of elements.

For the eventual output, I hope to be able to re-create images that carry the essence of contemporary art, like so:

John Stezaker

He is one whose work challenged the predominance of Pop art, similar to the concept I had in mind, I wanted to do a photo collage that features elements from the Vintage Pop culture.

Gel Jamlang

Her drawings can illustrate psychedelic albums and surreal stories and what caught my eyes about her style is the use of watercolour textured renderings for her works. It is really so apt! I love it.

Now, we’ll move on to execution 🙂


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