Forrest Gump: Silkscreen Process & Finalisation

Hello, World!

Today, I had my very first silkscreen attempt! Was good (only after multiple tries haha). The coating of the blue layer was most challenging in my opinion as it is the very fundamental of the process – THE MAKE OR BREAK

The final design I picked for my tote bag is…

*drum roll please*

My classmates call it The Fishies! Following next will be my final 4 concepts –



My Thought Process:

Since all these quotes are extracted from one movie itself, I wanted these panels to have an overarching theme that ties in seamlessly together. That means by looking at it from afar, one can easily identify the style that is injected into all the designs and that it would be obvious that it comes from the same designer(like a series). By using lines in the background, it helps them to identify with the other panels. Lines help to direct the eyes and provide visual flow for the viewers, aiding in the communication of my design piece.

Apart from that, I adore woodcut textures. Hence, I painstakingly searched for images that are visually “similar” in texture and style so that they would compliment one another when placed together. This would ensure that none of the elements stick out like a sore thumb when viewing them in whole. This is one of the most challenging problems faced throughout the project execution since there is a pool of image options out there, it would be difficult to settle on one that can give the aesthetic a push.

Contrast & Depth is one thing that I took notice of too. I have to vary between thin and thick strokes, light and dark fill (shadows & highlights). Too much of blacks tones can make your design sink, appearing visually heavy and hard to digest. Too many whites would look as though it lacked dimensions, hence appearing flat. Balancing the contrast of the threshold can be challenging at times, but it all worked out eventually. laughing


& some progress shots that were taken along the way –

Gotten our tote!

Draining out the ink to reveal the underlying print

Scanning our print onto the mesh board

Taping up and around!

& that’s fran & joel!

as well as many others! thanks for the emotional support




Thank you for reading! 😉


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