Week 2 Activities – Portrait-drawing of the other + Random geometric shapes


We’re welcoming the New Year by breaking the awkward human barrier. We drew the portrait of a person in class we’re not close to within 15 mins (hence having to look at every part of their precious facial features so that’s why it was slightly awkward but it was nice drawing Daphne)!

We had to consider stylisation while trying to capture their personality in the drawing.

I dig. Loved this activity.

Everyone has very different styles in their portraits and that’s why it was fun. Everyone had different ways of seeing and creating.

Onto Activity 2

We were told to draw any one of the geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). Then, draw it again with rules of touching the other geometric shapes. And this goes on until we had to draw a huge shape that touches the ends of the paper.

I somewhat recalled that this activity had something to do with the Bauhaus movement – “simple but elegant geometric shapes were designed based on the intended function or purpose of a building or an object.”

I clearly do not know what I was drawing but I think the same goes for my classmates. But the outcome was weirdly extraordinary. What started off as a simple shape, became a unique form of architecture on paper.

More to create in the few weeks for our Self-portrait & Portrait of your partner. See you then!