VC: Project 2 – Mindmap + Moodboard


My chosen animal is a Black Panther and I’m sticking with it for this project as well. Here’s my mindmap!

And the link below will direct you to the pdf of my mood boards. 🙂

Black Panther mood board

All 3 mood board have almost the same set of colours.

But the 1st one is more on the agility and lust aspect of a black panther.

The 2nd focuses more on the mystical wildlife creature it is, and how perhaps I could show that through its surroundings as well.

Similarly with the 3rd, but it has a touch of danger amidst the mystical, something that should be feared (and that’s true about my chosen animal!)

I have yet to pick a mood board since I do like all as it encompasses what my animal is. Maybe I’ll know soon.

(This is a late post and I apologise. In the meantime, have a good day!)