Point of View stage 1: Brainstorming

First of all, I would like to apologise for the late update as I have been pretty busy  for the past 4 days trying to finish up 4 consecutive submissions. I’m sincerely sorry. 🙁

First stage: Racking my brain.

For this project, I wanted to do something related to photography, because it is something that I have not explored before for my previous 2D projects.

Also, I had this idea of making books as I recently chanced upon a book which teaches you how to bind books. It is something interesting that I would like to try… so… I decided to brainstorm on the different point of view of a book. The following points are the ideas that I have so far:


After thinking about these different view points, I thought about what kind of mediums I want to use for this project. I was in a dilemma as I wasn’t sure whether I want to stick to illustration or photography. I also wasn’t very sure about whether I want to make the composition as 6 different book covers or 6 pages in a book.

The 2 different ideas:

  • One is  to stick to illustration and put all the composition together to form a story book.
  • Another is the try something new, which is photography and photoshop, and come out with 6 different book covers.

For this, I guess I would need more time to consider…stay tune for stage 2 which would include more about the researches I did~