2D Project 3 Ego: Final

Final Submission!!

From top down:

  1. Sleepy me + Tea = still very sleepy me
  2. Sweltering me+ a waft of cool air = Contented me
  3. Me working on assignments + Distractions = Procrastinating me
  4. Scaredy-cat me + Dangers = Me with Extreme Safety Measures

Gallery viewing + Presentation :)

There were so so many amazing works!! It was really nice to see how everyone chose to represent themselves as well as the equations that they express.

Eheheh what a great end to Foundation 2D!

Overall, this project has been a challenging one. Just ideation alone took me a really long time as I kept revising what I had. The drawing process wasn’t easy either, as I had to work around with different compositions and decide which works the best — especially troublesome when it comes to traditional media as I had to erase everything and start over. Learning about colour theories has also pushed me to really think carefully before I apply colours instead of the usual dabbing of colours based on instincts. This is the first time I actually obediently followed through a colour scheme. It was worth it though, as I really liked the end result. Nevertheless, I still feel that the painting can be improved, especially in terms of tones. Watercolour is really a difficult medium!!