Time-based techniques

I wanted to capture the atmosphere of my neighbourhood on a quiet and sultry Sunday afternoon. Many things seem to come to a standstill in the heat, except the clothes draped over bamboo poles at every storey. These clothes almost like a staple sight of every neighbourhood in Singapore; hung out in the sun, fluttering to the tiniest gust of wind.

I took about 100-200 photos for each scene, at the interval of 2 seconds.

I added ambience noise along with some chimes in the background to convey an idle, quiet mood.

I also took another time-lapse of a construction site that can be seen from my house’s window. I took over a 35min period, at 3 seconds interval.

This is the view from my house:

The construction site is far away enough that I usually barely see any movement from my end. It was just a curious thought of “what if I just take a time lapse”? I wasn’t expecting much from it at all.

Surprisingly, there were in fact quite many workers moving around the site. There were also subtle movements that I would never have observed in real time — such as the lift transporting the workers to basement levels (?) in the bottom right. I thought the small quick movements contrast nicely with the general stillness of the whole scene.

The bustling around felt really cute and gave the impression of worker ants moving around an ant colony — simply because of how cubed-up the construction site is and how small the people in comparison to it.

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