Template (draft)

First section: Mind map, Sketches and 2D drawings

The mind map shows our thought process and how we see the NTU. We found that the two major aspects of a university is the students and the faculties. Thus, we decided to the find a connection between the two which is the social networking amongst students through the different faculties. We see the faculties and building as the platform where all these interactions take place. Hence, students and buildings come hand in hand and are represented as rods in the installation.

We experimented with different forms of the pendulums and we settled with rods in the end. This decision was made after making the mock-up.

Second section: Inspiration

We were inspired by the mechanism of pendulums, where triggering one of the pendulum would cause a chain- reaction of the movement of the other pendulums. This is particularly similar to the way students socialise and interact with one another. Students start making friends in their faculty before mixing around with other students in the school through different classes, halls or other student activities. This way of interacting and networking is very well represented through the effect of the pendulum. The viewers get to move the rods to cause the chain effect and the other method is through nature, wind.

The bamboo chime and playground gave us inspiration in terms of form and the varying length of the rods we would be using.

Third section: Renderings

The two proposed locations we have for our installation is namely The Wave and the foyer of HSS ( School of Humanities and Social Sciences) as these two areas have really high ceilings and unobstructed space beneath it. The height of the location is very important as the length of the rods are quite long and we would not want the viewers to knock into them. They should be raising their arms to touch and interact with it.

Fourth section: Details

The details include the joining of the rods to the base using a butterfly stopper and also an art trail that can be seen on the map.

The art trail consists of the different art installations and sculptures around NTU. This module requires us to come up with projects that could possibly be implemented in school, it is only right to record down the different projects that have been displayed and sculptures that are placed all around NTU. Eg: Dandelion at ADM, Fern bench at North spine, CEE sculpture at SRC, Tree of Education at NIE, etc…

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