Assignment 2 – Point of View

Final Outcoms:

Cats to the POV of dogs are enemies.

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Dogs to the POV of cats are enemies.

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A cat in the POV of an animal cartoonist is a gentleman.

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Cat keepers in the POV of a cat is a maid.

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Cats in the POV of Schrodinger are experimental material.

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Schrodinger in the POV of cats is a murderer.

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Research and developments:

The theme of this set of works is supposed to be humorous and absurd. So I choose to use the style of Early American comics…

… and also futurism.


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DutyGorn-Fusion-futurism-wall-art-Stazione-Porta-G-333661376680704 futurism_landing_depero

According to these two styles, I came out with my first set of draft design.

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I tried to combine the character design of American comics together with the color scheme and set designs of futurism. But the characters are too cute and their emotions were not featured well through my drawings.

So I changed the proportions of the figure, and made my second draft.

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But in this draft, the background is too messy, and the composition is not impactful enough.

So I decided to change the compositions and the style of drawing figures.

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However, some of the designs are still not impactful enough, and some of the compositions cannot communicate well (eg. The file named ‘maid’). So I redesigned some of the characters and compositions.

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When refining my drafts, I also looked for some picture references for my character designs.


Compared to neutral colors, colors with maximum saturation make the designs more powerful and lively.

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I also did some experiments on the color scheme.

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Also, I tried to add color halftone effects to my designs. But I found the pictures turn blurred after test print.

So I printed the final outcome with sharp outlines instead of with halftone added.

Author: Wang Ruotong

Puss in green screen.

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