Practical Digital Filmmaking Exercise: Miss-En-Scene Analysis

For the Miss-En-Scene exercise, I have decided to use a short excerpt from the “The Dark Knight” by Christopher Nolan.


Here is the analysis for the Miss-En-Scene element of the scene:

  • Scene starts with very low light in a quiet room, light is shone only on the characters’ faces for a heavy mood.
  • When the lights are turned on, bright light is shone from the top of the characters for an intense, heated atmosphere
  • The interrogation table is placed in the middle of a large room with a lack of other furniture to provide focus on the conversation.
  • When Batman starts to get aggressive on the Joker, the assault progresses into a corner of a wall, showing that the Joker is cornered (literally and psychologically) and has no means of escape.
  • During the onslaught, Batman has light shone from the back of his head, which causes his face to be covered in a shadow, showing conflict within himself.
  • Choice of interrogation room  by the Joker to question the Batman’s role in society gives the feeling of an enclosed, trapped, cold and dark environment for internal reflection.
  • The position of the interrogation table is set such that the Batman and Joker are seated with the police observing them from the side, implying that both of them are being judged, not just the joker.

Here is the scene: