Project 4: Poetics of Time – “Into Another Dimension” (Final)

“Into Another Dimension”

Special Thanks to Whitney & Gwen for helping me out during the whole process.

The project is an interactive instructional installation that experiments with experienced time (relativity of time) and implied causality. This concept involves time, space and sound. As this is the final project for Foundation 4D, I wanted to create an escapism by making an installation that will bring the audience into another dimension, hence, forgetting about the present time for a moment.

Principles of Time used in installation:

  • Experienced time
  • Relativity of time
  • Implied causality



Click link to download pdf version of proposal.



I want them to be able to feel that they’re entering another dimension by the shift of location and setting of the mood by relaxing as they observe the interior of the room and forget about the present moment of being stressed due to submissions. (outside – brightly lit vs. inside – dimly lit with disco led lights).

After the experience, I want them to be able to understand and experience the point I’m putting across which is playing with relativity of time by bringing them out of the present time or putting a pause on their normal everyday school life.

In terms, of experienced time according to the soft tempo/fast tempo soundscape, I want to open a discussion and discuss with everyone on how the time they’ve experienced during the installation is different and what influenced it to be that way. It will be interesting to listen to their views because it varies from each individual and time is subjective as everyone has their own definition of time.



  • Being able to be engaging and capture the audience’s attention. (I need to be prepared, practise my role and have a lot of confidence.)
  • Setting the mood so I can bring them into another dimension.
  • The outcome and reaction of the audience is unpredictable so I have to practise on different people and make sure I can manipulate certain aspects in order for them to have a certain reaction that I’ve have in mind and put the point across to them about relativity of time and making them anticipate something.



Preparation before the installation:

Before my installation, asked the class to download the soundscape. Split them into two groups for different experience; Slow & Fast Tempo with the same duration.

Soundscape 1: Slow tempo (Music: Nature Background Music)

Soundscape 2: Fast tempo (Music: Bangarang by Skrillex)


Location: 4D Foundation Room

Layout of setting up the paper & plastic for audience to interact –

Me and Whitney as the actors –


Me: Host that will be engaging the audience.

Whitney: Assistant that will scan and beep at the audience at the entrance & film.



Outcome of course mates’ artwork listening to the soundscape

Discussion Video


  • Serena (Slow tempo soundscape) – The duration of the music is too short & I’ve should make it longer because she was only able to get into the mood in 30 seconds.
  • They were able to feel that they’re entering into another dimensions because of the act in the beginning, Whitney beeping them as they entered the room and the disco LED light created the mood and setting of another realm.
  • Experienced time felt by each individual varies because of the preference in music so even if it’s a fast tempo and EDM genre, many might think time will pass fast but it might be slow for them due to the dislike in their taste of music.
  • There should be more assistants to increase the audience’s expectations and bringing them into another dimension.
  • Some of the participants felt it was unfair because they were only given the slow tempo soundscape and wanted to experience both.
  • Participants with the fast tempo soundscape tend to draw their lines in a jagged and fast strokes while the participants with the slow tempo soundscape tend to draw their lines in a smooth, curvy/swirly strokes which is interesting. Some participants were just unique AHAHAHA.


Personal reflection

After the execution of the installation, personally, I felt that I managed to incorporate the aspect of time, space and sound during the process. Despite the time constraint, I was satisfied with the outcome and open discussion that I’ve had with my course mates.

In terms of improvement, I should’ve combined the two audio together and see how they felt about the experienced time when they’re listening to both of the soundscape and see how it influenced their drawing and time felt. (Increasing the duration of the soundscape)

In terms of the setting and mood of the location, I felt that I managed to pull through with my concept and participants were curious about the setting and mood when I brought them into the room. I managed to create a sense of anticipation in them and it’s all thanks to the principles I’ve learnt during the lecture such as the different dimensions of time and rhythm, movement, causality and duration.


I’m really thankful to be able to experience Foundation 4D and stepping out of my comfort zone by trying out new concepts that I’ve in mind whilst incorporating the principles I’ve learnt. To me, I think the conceptualization and development process of the project really impacted me because work reviews with Serena taught me that there’s different way to make a concept come to life. Sometimes, being too ambitious and making things intricate doesn’t create a good outcome. Minimalistic and simple concepts can have a greater impact on the audience too and I learnt how to balance what is required as an artist and what I want the audience to experience. Thanks Serena for everything!

Project 4: Poetics of Time – “Into Another Dimension” (Process)


For this project, I knew I wanted to create an experience involving experienced time and implied causality which focuses on contrast in two different worlds/perspective (playing with space).

Since it’s my last project for Foundation 4D, I wanted to do something that is within my strengths which is using contrast. Making the installation engaging for the audience to interact, experience or learn something new.



In Week 11, we had to research about the use of time in film, video, sound, performance art or interactive art installation. This exercise helped me figure out on which main concept I want to focus on which is bringing my audience into another dimension and removing them from the present time (relativity of time). I came up with an idea which is “The Blind Stimulation” for the audience to experience to see whether their time is being slowed down because they’re unfamiliar with how to do things as their sense of sight is being taken away. Hence, they have to do a certain task and complete it within a duration of time.

However, my idea changed after I’ve went through the work review and I came up with “Into Another Dimension” which will be further explained later. I’m still inspired by these artworks as it brings the audience into another dimension and helped me with the planning of the process of incorporating implied causality and setting the mood to bring out the reaction from the audience participating in it.

  • Shane Dawson – “Switching Lives With A Blind Person” (Interactive Social Experiment)

(Removing one of their senses; sense of sight in this case and doing normal, everyday task to see whether it affects the time they felt.)

  • John Cage – “4’33” (Experimental & Interactive Performance Art)

(This interactive performance art is about creating a quiet passage which creates and highlight tension as well as, letting the audience be a part of the artwork by listening to the sound made by them in the theatre.)

  • Andrew Myers – “Tactile Art” (Interactive Art Installation)

(Inclusivity of people with disabilities to experience and appreciate art through touching and using their imagination. Bringing them into another world despite not being able to see)



Personally, time for me is anxiousness and anxiety to me.

During my busy period, I’m always worrying about my deadlines and submission for school and work. Even when I’m free, I’m always trying to make sure that I use my free time to do something wholesome so I can improve my skill set and grow as an individual. Basically, I’m always worrying and stressing out about planning my schedule well.

Hence, inspiring me to create an installation that is an escapism from reality for a moment. Being able to forget about the present time and relax for a moment then, come back to reality. In addition, I wanted to know how time is felt differently to each of them, how it affects them, their views and feelings on it when being placed in a certain environment with a few regulations or procedures to follow.



Initial stages of conceptualizing:


  • Blind Stimulation
  • Tinder vs. Real Life (Playing with Space & Time: Virtual world vs. Reality)
  • Panorama (Record different people’s routine at a certain time of the day for 5 mins and create a collage, playing the videos all at the same time. Installation: Record 4D class at that same timing and put it as the last panel of the video collage)
  • VR Stimulation (Different dimension and playing with edited time)
  • Stay in a box/dark place with no time & light (Try to guess the timing or add distractions

In the initial stages of conceptualization, I was so stuck on my idea of “The Blind Stimulation” but I had a lots of options of documenting the process of coming up with the final installation. However, after consulting Serena, it lacked the aspect of ‘Time’. I was so stressed out and I couldn’t think of a way to make sure time was one of the strongest aspect and experience because I was focusing too much on the message I’m intending to rely to the audience after experiencing it.

Hence, I made a good choice to scrap it despite knowing I will experience time constraint because I want to be able to deliver the requirements which is experienced time.

Next consultation with Serena on Week 12

Initial Proposal (Not the final proposal): Click to view pdf file

The concept was focusing on experienced time that requires the participant to express the time they felt using their body and emotions (props will be given), responding to the visuals or soundscape given to them.

My ideas were:

  • charades game allow the participants to see the visuals and listen to the soundscape and express the time they felt using their body
  • recording their actions, editing and remixing their movement and sound as the final outcome of the installation which will be shown on the screen. (too ambitious)

Feedback: The concept is workable but I shouldn’t be too ambitious and do something simple that expresses time strongly. – Serena


After the consultation, once again, I decided to scrap all the ideas and focus on the concept which is workable during the lesson.


Finally, I came up with an idea which is finally approved and expressed experience time.


The idea is having 4 people listening to two soundscape which includes a slow tempo and a fast tempo music which has the same duration. They have to express the time they felt using their body and emotions by painting in one single continuous line according to the tempo. The participants will be wearing the earpiece and half way through the soundscape, the observers get to hear the soundscape and know the reason why they’re painting in that manner.

Consultation with Serena & Lei on the same day

The idea and concept is there however, the element of experienced time is not strong in the way I’m going to engage the audience.

What was missing?:

  • Strong aspect of experienced time (relativity of time –> how I’m gonna bring them out of the present time)

Lei’s feedback was really helpful to make my installation to express experienced time well.

  • Remember the ‘before’ & ‘after’ experience of bringing them into the installation
  • Set the mood & their expectation by engaging them to bring them out of the present time (E.g. Remove your shoes and guide them to the wall in a calming voice –> set their expectations)
  • How I’m going to host and carry out the whole installation?

These feedbacks really helped me a lot to solidify and start planning the process of my final installation. For that, I’m so thankful because I’m able to incorporate my quirky side of hosting the installation, engaging and bringing them into another dimension in terms of relativity of time (:



Idea: Interactive Instructional Installation – “Into Another Dimension”

Rundown of final installation before refinements:

  • Focusing on “Experienced time” –> Relativity of time (Bringing them out of the present time which is stressful due to our submission week)
  • Environment: Stressful to Peaceful/Calming when they enter the room of magic
  • I’ll be acting as another person and engage them to enter the room of magic.
  • Including the whole class to experience the installation and splitting them into two groups (slow tempo and fast tempo with the same duration).
  • Telling them the instructions and giving out the paintbrush for them to paint when they enter.
  • Set the mood and ask them to face the wall, play the soundscape, close their eyes and paint. (Switch off all the lights)
  • Express their body and emotions according to the tempo and the time they’re feeling.
  • Disrupt their moment by adding a reminder about their submission at the end of the soundscape.
  • There will be an instruction to turn around and open their eyes.
  • Lights will be switched on and I’ll scream “Back to Reality”. (Bringing them back to the present time)
  • Discuss about the time they felt as half of them will be experiencing the slow tempo soundscape and the other half is experiencing time listening to the fast tempo soundscape. Listen to their views and opinions about the whole installation.




Jackson Pollock is an abstract expressionist artist who is skilled at drip style painting. I’m really attracted to his art style and this artpiece, Convergence, which is a manifestation of freedom of speech and expression. I’m inspired by his abstract style of expressing himself using colours and evoking deep emotions through his artwork. Hence, I want to incorporate painting and expressing one’s body and emotion whilst listening to a soundscape. I want the audience of my installation to be able to see their artworks and what how the soundscape influenced their expression and painting after the whole experience.


After trying out painting by myself whilst listening to a song, I realised it will be too messy if I want the whole class to paint. Hence, I changed it to colourful markers so I can reduce the paint dripping and the aftermath of the mess after painting during the installation.

Change: Painting & Paintbrush –> Colourful markers

TEST RUN 1: Participant – Umar (My younger brother)

Date: 7 November 2018

Objective of this test run: To check whether the tempo of the music varies and affects the time of the participants. (Selection of songs)

  • Test Run 1:  Listened to the fast and slow tempo while drawing on a paper to see how it affects his time and how he expresses his body and emotion by listening to the two soundscape.

  • Outcome of test run:
  • Feedback:

Points to note:

  • The surrounding can distract the participant from focusing on the soundscape and expressing their body and emotions.

Improvements to be made:

  • Make sure that the participant will close their eyes and minimise the amount of distraction by facing a wall.


Creating of Soundscape for Slow & Fast Tempo

Objective: Creating two different soundscape (slow & fast tempo) for the participant to focus and express their body and emotions according to the tempo. It helps with bringing them into another dimension and relaxing without any thoughts. The soundscape involves soft/fast tempo music and interruption at the end to bring participants back to reality.

Motive: Split the class into two to see if the tempo of the soundscape with the same duration affects their experienced time.


Soundscape 1: Slow tempo (Music: Nature Background Music)

Soundscape 2: Fast tempo (Music: Bangarang by Skrillex)

00:00 – 00:30 – Soft/Fast Tempo Music

00:30 – 00:39 – Interruption: A reminder about their submission – BRINGING THEM BACK TO REALITY (Special thanks to Gwen for recording this part for me <3)

00:39 – 00:41 – Instructions: To turn around and open their eyes


TEST RUN 2: Participant – Bella

Date: 9 November 2018

Objective of this test run: Trying out the whole setup including all the materials and persona that I’m going to play to bring the participant into another dimension. To see whether the instructions are easy to follow and I’m able to bring out the implied causality that I’ve intended.

  • Material used:
  • Test Run 2: Personally, I called participant to meet me in the 4D room without any prior knowledge so it will catch her off-guard. Hence, allowing her to experience the whole interactive installation and getting her genuine opinion about her experience. (Participant listened to the slow tempo soundscape)

02:23 – Participant’s reaction when she’s being brought back to reality, having to do assignments and a reminder of our submissions. Switched on the lights so the participant will snap back to reality.

  • Feedback:

Points to note:

  • Make them feel and see when they’re entering into another dimensions. (For audience’s experience)
  • Participant felt shocked when I approached her outside the room.
  • Felt peaceful when she entered the room and listening to the soundscape.
  • Soft tempo soundscape influenced her to draw in smooth and soft strokes.
  • Got pissed and angry because she’s being brought back to reality because she got reminded of school.

Improvements to be made:

  • Hand out the marker and load the music outside.
  • Tell the instructions to play the soundscape, close their eyes and draw inside the room instead of outside so the participants won’t forget. Keep the instructions simple.
  • To make them feel like they’re entering into a new dimension when they enter the door, let them see the led disco light when they enter and close their eyes when they’re listening to the soundscape. (as shown on the video below)
  • Environment of the setup:


Personally, I was got my intended causality and reaction. I was really satisfied with the outcome and through this test run, I made a lot of changes in order to make the installation process go smooth and easy to follow and understand for the audience. Not forgetting, letting them experience the relativity of bringing them out of the present time.


FINAL TEST RUN : Participant – Whitney

Date: 11 November 2018

Objective of this final test run: To see whether the installation process is smooth and whether I memorised my role.

  • Final Test Run – Whitney

  • Outcome of final test run:
  • Feedback –

Points to note:

  • Use mahjong paper instead because not enough space for everyone to draw on.

Improvements to be made:

  • Decided to include everyone in the class to participate (use the whole left side and back area of the wall)
  • Changed the place of the LED Disco ball so it covers more of the room to set the mood.         (From the middle of the class to the front area near the door facing the walls – Light effect more magnificent)
  • Make Whitney my assistant to record the whole installation, scan and make beeping sound when they enter the room of magic (another dimension). Add onto the audience experience of the installation.



How it will go down on the final day of installation:


  • Materials used –

Participants: Phone with soundscape downloaded, Earpiece and Marker

Actors: Me & Whitney with headlights to shine onto the audience to throw them off.


  • Setup – Left side of the wall and back area
Environment in the room

Setup: Walls covered with plastic with mahjong paper on it. LED disco lights to set the relaxing mood of the room.



Click link to view pdf version of the proposal.

Project 4: Poetics of Time – Research

For this project, I’ve decided to discuss three different works:

  • Shane Dawson – “Switching Lives With A Blind Person” (Interactive Social Experiment)
  • John Cage – “4’33” (Experimental & Interactive Performance Art)
  • Andrew Myers – “Tactile Art” (Interactive Art Installation)

My aim for this project is to create an interactive art installation that helps people or raise awareness regarding time and space instead of being a disturbance.

Artist Reference 1: “Shane Dawson – Switching Lives With A Blind Person”

Shane Dawson is a content creator on Youtube who is known for creating videos related to raising social awareness and conspiracies about the world in a humorous yet touching approach. He was inspired to create this video due to his curiosity about how a blind person carry on with their daily activities despite lacking their sense of sight which is essential and having a family history with cataract which worries him about his future.

0:00 – 4:53 : Molly, the blind person in this video explaining the various type of diseases that someone with sight impairment can be diagnosed with, will be assisting the normal guys go through the blind stimulation experience.

7:16 – onwards : Shane Dawson and his crew experiencing the lifestyle of the blind doing daily activities such crossing a road and buying stuff using a blind stimulation.

Subject: Experiencing the life of a blind person.

Form: The medium of this work is expressed in a video which uses edited time. The visuals of the interaction of the guys with normal sight and Molly are compressed and arranged in a way that will evoke emotions that will make you empathises with the blind and understand the lifestyle of a blind person.

Context: (Interactive Social Experiment)

Objective of this video is to remove their sense of sight and using the sound and their other senses to navigate around the space around them. Due to their unfamiliarity of losing their sight, it affected their navigation and movement in their surrounding space as they’re lost and affected their time as everything they do is slower since they’re not used to it. Hence, creating a challenge for the normal guys with the sight to overcome this blind stimulation experience.


It’s interesting how a blind person is assisting the guys with normal sight to go through this experience who are panicking and having anxiety attack as they entered the new realm of the blind’s world. For Molly, due to the routine (measured time) of using rhythmic movement of swinging the cane from left to right to assist with movement and coordination to move forward, she is used to navigating without her sense of sight. In addition, timing and sound is essential. As time pass, the blind learn how to manage their illness and it becomes a routine and cycle of working things out using sound and space to carry on with their lives. The normal guys going through blind stimulation experience headache and have a fear of moving because they have no sense of depth perception. Overall, their other senses such as their hearing heightened and their dependency on sound increases during this experience.

Incorporation of this artwork into my installation:

  • Reaction of going through blind stimulation
  • Navigating through space and rhythmic timing of sounds in our surroundings


Artist Reference 2:  “John Cage – 4’33”

John Cage is a musical instructor who created a famous music composition which consists of entirely silence.

Subject: An anarchy of silence which is unconventional in a musical theatre.

Form: Musical compositional art piece which consists of nothing but silence but focuses on the surrounding sound in the musical theatre. The silence of the choir and band and the sound/noise created by the audience is part of the interactive art. Hence, the audience is a medium of this interactive art piece too.

Context: (Experimental & Interactive Performance Art)

The objective of the interactive performance art is the reaction of the audience in the theatre and the simplicity of the concept that which allows the audience to stop hearing and starting listening to the muted sounds in our surrounding.

Content: The simplicity of the concept creates an anarchy of silence because of an unpredictable outcome which allows the audience to listen to the sounds around them and appreciate it. It’s another form of musical sound and every single time this musical composition is played, there’s always a different outcome of the sounds created by the audience and that’s the beauty of this piece. It’s experienced time as this art piece evokes different emotions such as boredom, restlessness (me), agitation. The perception of time differs for each audience in the theatre due to different expectations of a musical theatre experience. Personally, the 4’33 musical composition felt really long to me and I became really restless but I got the point of this art piece. I became more aware of the sounds created by the people around me and that itself is an interactive experience of a life art piece.

Incorporation of this artwork into my installation:

  • Reaction and thoughts of the participants due to their expectations regarding a certain topic
  • Perception of time (Experienced time) of doing something that you’re forced to do or in an awkward situation


Artist Reference 3: “Andrew Myers – Tactile Art”

Because My Balloons is Made Up of Screws

Andrew Myers is a tactile artist that uses nails to create a sense of perception of depth. Using screws of different heights, the artist creates topographic-like portraits by inserting the screws into wooden boards, making images with the meticulous gaps and grooves.

expressed movement and action – Fading Thoughts

Subject: “Please Touch the Art”

Form: An oil painting that uses nails to create a sense of perception of depth of the contours of the portraits’ face.

Context: (Interactive Art Installation)

Interactivity and inclusivity of people who are blind or those with low vision to appreciate art despite their disabilities. The art are meant to be felt to fully experienced and it focuses on making the experience more engaging (good experienced time).


For the Fading Thoughts artwork, it is inspired by a documentary made by film maker Benjamin Pitts. Through the different heights of the screws on the artwork, it expressed movement and action of the fan blowing the parts of the man away which can be felt by our hands. Usually, in art galleries, as viewers we are not allowed to touch the artwork hence, people with disabilities could not fully enjoy the beauty of it. Hence, by creating art pieces that allows people to feel it, allows everyone to have a good viewer experience of the art.

Incorporation of this artwork into my installation:

  • Remove perception of depth through sight for the participants and allow them to experience it through their other senses.
  • Experience and using all their senses to appreciate art.


Compare & Contrast:

Despite the three works are different in mediums/forms, it focuses on experience, reaction and sound relating to time and space.


Differences in usage of time in each artwork:

  • Shane Dawson – “Switching Lives With A Blind Person”:

Measured time – (Lifestyle of a blind person; the routines they do to navigate their way, communication and rhythmic movement of the cane to assist movement in life)

Edited time – (to evoke emotions from the audience by rearranging impactful scenes together.)


  • John Cage -“4’33”:

Experienced time – (Perception of time differs for everyone due to their expectations of the event they’re attending)


  • Andrew Myers -“Tactile Art”:

Experienced time – (The viewing of the art pieces will be more engaging for those who are lacking in the aspect of sight by touching the artwork)

Biological time – (Using their body part(hands) to feel the artwork and evoking emotions through this experience)


Similarities in usage of time in each artwork:

  • Requires participation and time of the audience (Interactivity)
  • Brings them out of their comfort zone (Entering a new realm that the audience is not used to)
  • Experience of audience participation of interacting with the object or situation (space) and their reaction based on their experience. (Different perspective and reaction in terms of emotions)
  • Every artwork uses linear time.
  • Manipulation of time –> Different perspective before, during and after experiencing with the artwork.


Focus on my final installation: Reaction/Experience, Perspective, Sound, Space through depth & Time. (Emotions)

I want my installation to be an interactive experience that uses sound and space through depth and navigation. Creating a reaction and an in-depth first-hand experience of the lifestyle of a blind person for the participant. It takes time to realise and empathise with someone’s lifestyle (Perspective). Focusing on experienced time.

In-Class Exercise: A Clap & A Bang (Group Exercise)


For our group performance, Gwendolyn, JiaXi, Zoey and I had to create a response and decided to do a short performance regarding the question that was given to us;

  • Silence is ???
  • Noise is ???
  • Sound is ???
  • Listening is ???

Gwendolyn started off with a rhythmic clapping (sound – pleasant to the ears).

JiaXi and Zoey followed Gwendolyn by clapping with a regular beat. (sound)

I disrupted the flow of the beat by doing a non-rhythmic clapping by doing a fast and irregular clapping. (noise – unpleasant to the ears)

Everyone started creating chaotic sounds by clapping in a non-rhythmic way.  (noise)

Zoey stopped the chaotic sound with a loud bang by slamming her palms on the table. (sound)

After the end of the performance, there was a brief moment of silence (an abrupt change of sound – loud to silent).

The whole process of our audience paying attention to the performance is listening.



  • SILENCE is death, deafening. To me, you will only achieve true silence when you’re dead. In addition, silence can also be an abrupt change of sound from loud to silent (transitional).
  • NOISE is an unpleasant sound to the ears. It is a subset of sound but has a negative connotation to it as it tends to be annoying and disruptive.
  •  SOUND is pleasant to the ears. Something that we do not mute out and notice in an environment full of sound.
  • LISTENING is getting the audience to act on what they hear. The conscious act of processing sound and the brain is engaged and makes meaning from the sound they heard.



My favourite response is from Stella, Li Xin, Li Ying & Whitney’s group about the vending machine which uses their voice to mimic the mechanical sounds (diegetic sound) and asking the buyer whether they’re okay in a humanistic way (non-diegetic sound) which is an interesting approach to this dialogue.

It makes me ponder about the Fourth Industrial Revolution where soon everything will be filled with Artificial Intelligence and robots. It strips away our sense of emotions and incorporating our human voice as a greeting to the buyer retains a sense of humanism in the future. I really love their response <3


In-Class Exercise: Soundwalking


For this in-class assignment, my appreciation for sound is heightened. I realised due to the abundance of sounds in our environment, I tend to mute out the unpleasant noise so it doesn’t bother me. After the exercise of recording various types of sounds using a Zoom H4N Recorder with Whitney, I’m more attentive to the sounds in my surroundings and I can’t sleep at night because I’m super sensitive to the chirping and clicking sounds of cicada in my dorm area ):

I realised there’s always sound in our surrounding even when we perceived it as silence due to the echoes in a room. There’s only true silence when we’re dead, in my opinion. After the lecture in class, what strikes me the most is this phrase “Films are 50% visual and 50% sounds”. Sound have a high importance in film as it can be used to reinforce or manipulate the visuals.

Foley (named after sound-effects artist Jack Foley) is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality.


In-Class Assignment

Listen to the sounds of your body while moving.

Going up the stairs :


Try to move, without making any sound. Is it possible?

Whitney’s heartbeat – There’s still a faint rhythmic sound created by our heart pumping:


Which is the quietest sound of your body?


Lead your ears away from your own sounds

Listen to the sounds nearby.

Faint buzzing/static sound from the corridor – I didn’t notice that there’s this sound in ADM Level 2 corridor:


What do you hear?
What else do you hear?

Other people

People talking/chattering:


Nature sounds

Exiting the ADM building – You can hear the mechanical sound of the door and wind gushing in:


Mechanical sounds

Rhythmic clock ticking:


How many Continuous sounds continuous continuous sounds continuous

Beeping sound from the card reader in ADM:


Can you detect

Interesting rhythms

Crunching & Munching:

Regular beats

Typing on the keyboard of a phone:

The highest

Strong static/buzzing noise:

The lowest pitch

Opening of Blue Ray CD Slot:

Do you hear any
Intermittent or discrete sounds

Aircon – Sound of vastness and emptiness of the corridor:



Rustling of leaves:



Knocking on metal dustbin:


Washing hands:


Rubber band smacking:


What are the sources of the different sounds?

Flushing toliet – When you close your eyes, it’s really relaxing and you can manipulate into a sound of a waterfall. My personal favourite:


Lead you ears away from these sounds and listen beyond—–into the distance.
What is the quietest sound?

What else do you hear?
What else?

Ignition of lighter: