Micro-Project 2: Crowd-Sourced Art

What is the content of the work and who is creating it?

The aim of the work was to create a song using crowd sourcing, allowing us to form a song via the services of our classmates who so kindly helped us complete the song lyrics. This project involved Qi Yun, Zi Ling and me.

The general gist of the project was for one of us to message our classmates individually and provide them with the previous sentence of the song created by another member of the class. The classmates continue to create the next line of the song while adhering to the limitations such as having a maximum of 7 words and ensuring the presence of a specific random word given by the team in the lyrics they create.

The first sentence started with “Cause you had a bad day”.

At first, we wanted each of our class mates to sing the lyrics in the tune of any nursery rhyme, allowing us to compile and form a song. However, as many of them were shy, we had to simplify it and instead our classmates created the lyrics only.

Where does this work take place?

This work took place in the classroom where most of our classmates were located at.

How does this work involve social interaction?

This work is considered social interaction because it allows and creates both direct and indirect interactions between the different members of the class. Thereby, becoming a common base for the classmates to interact at and result in a form of cooperation to come about to form something bigger, in this case to create a song together.

How is your crowd source project different from one that is created by a single artist/ creator?

Crowd sourcing allows a much bigger community to come into play and therefore increases much of the creativity, allows more brilliant ideas to be inspired and formed due to the different perspectives people have and this exchange of ideas creates greater impacts and compositions to be made.

Our turkers contributed and formulated the existence of the song. Each turker/classmate gave us “advice” on what should be done to continue the sentence despite the limitations given to them. Through these minimal interactions, the team was able to perhaps get a hint of the class’s character and take a step into getting to know our turkers better instead of indulging in ourselves.


Cause you had a bad day
Needed some help sian to the max
Chicken essence helps the brain think faster
Smell my shoes pikachu
Oh how very tree-rible it is
Hey soul sister
Meeting an old friend down the town
Baby you the reason I frown

(Bold words represent the essential word required to be in the lyrics.)

Link to video: https://youtu.be/cUGu5CmbLr4