Yoko Ono’s Cut Piece

How does it change the viewer’s relationship to the work?

The viewer and audience now have the freedom to create something without any boundaries that are usually provided by the artist. It is likely to have more impact and be more meaningful to the different audiences depending on their age and gender. The creator becomes the objectified target of the audience while viewers themselves become the creator. Furthermore, the creation is a collaborative work by the viewers themselves, domino effect where the previous decision on the work influences the next decision.

How does it alter the way an artist or designer create the work, when there is an interactive component?

The interactive component allows the artist to create a form of life in the experience itself. Instead of simply “seeing”, the audience now “seeing, doing, hearing and feeling”. The interactive aspect brings in much more senses of the audience and evokes more emotions in them through such components.

For this piece of work:

  • Seeing: How people reacted to the piece of garment being cut away; The size of the piece of garment being cut away; The change in the size being cut by different genders.
  • Doing: Cutting the garment itself as to how much to cut; Where to cut; What are the boundaries.
  • Hearing: The sound of the scissors, even if one does not see, he or she may estimate how much of the garment was cut away.
  • Feeling: Moving from being hesitant to being daring; Passive to active behavior.