Week 2: Ideas

Project Considerations:

1) Use energy harvesting tech (solar/wind)

2) Integrate with space

3) Public art, ecological system, resource generation and consumption

4) Biomimicry (kinetic)

5) Materials that won’t disintegrate due to the elements.


Image result for avatar set design Image result for life of pi islandImage result for life of pi islandImage result for glow worms


Group Discussion:

In the day light, it is something, in the night, it will be/create another. We can use solar panels.


  1. Jellyfish
  2. Mushrooms
  3. Willow Trees
  4. Corals
  5. Dragonfly wings
  6. Ferrofluid and watercolours

After Consultation:

  • sound might be distracting (study hub)
  • Collect water to change balance, effects
  • Water condition can be tricky to manage (drainage, algae etc)



Key concepts and learning from reading.

  1. EMPATHIZE – uncover insights by finding intangible meaning of experiences of human behavior.  I think it’s a humbling experience to empathize because we’re making other’s problem ours. Sometimes it will take discernment to pick out the real root issues beneath what is shared as well. Hence, it is important for us to go out there and experience and engage people and their life as much as possible. (Observe, Engage, Watch & Listen)
  2. DEFINE –  what is the problem? Empathizing can be seen as the more emotional/heart aspect. Defining is when we set aside these feelings and focus on the problem rationally by narrowing down from the wide range of information from the first stage. (Target group, Needs, Possible solutions). A good definition to the design should excite us and guide us the rest of the process so that we do not go off focus.
  3. IDEATE –  Generate ideas. Ideation is one of the most exciting phases for me because creativity and imagination are involved. It can be a messy process, overwhelmed with all sorts of potential solutions. I believe that in this process we should allow ourselves to churn out ideas that seem far fetched so that we do not restrict our momentum and flow of creativity. (Mind mapping, sketching)
  4. PROTOTYPING & TESTING – there are 2 different kinds of prototypes. The first is to bring our initial sketches to live. To communicate ideas and do initial testings to affirm if the product really tallies with what we thought it should be. These ideas will then we brought back to the drawing board to be built upon. The second kind of prototype is when we bring it out for users to try. This will reveal and loopholes or areas we’ve overlooked in the design. Bringing ideas into the context where they were found is a good way to learn how successful the product is.



  1. MRT
    Empathize untitled-2

    Crowded trains during peak hours. Frustration and anxiousness from not being able to board the train/bus despite visible room available. Commuters want to stand near the door so it’s easier to exit.

    Define People lose motivation to move deeper into trains/buses once they are on it themselves.
    Ideate 1) 4

    Windows of mrt replaced with screens. Entice commuters to move in by screening entertaining content (news, shows). Or use peer pressure by showing them the situation outside the train (crowded, replay how they looked like when they were outside of the train)

    2) 1

    Interactive floor to get people to move in through games or interesting interactions (like the flower petals we saw at Future World exhibition)


    Empathize Health conscious people or people with special dietary requirements need to be aware of the precise amount of nutrition they are taking. But current applications and reminders are troublesome to use and require a lot of self discipline to manually update what they’ve been eating. People who just started to monitor their food keeps forgetting to update. Nutrition values reflected are usually just estimates.  How can we make this process less of a hassle to them?
    Define People with special dietary requirements need a more effective system to track and manage their diet plans.
    Ideate 1) untitled-2

    Screen at the bottom of lunchboxes or plates to show them nutrition values as they eat. They dont have to measure and weigh their food during preparation which takes up a lot of time. Can also be used to encourage children with poor eating habits. Screen some cartoon at the bottom of the plate so they will clear the contents of the plate faster to watch the cartoon.

    3. One Man Omni Theatre

    Empathize City slickers spends majority of their life far away from the serenity of nature. It’s extremely stressful to live in a concrete jungle and only seek relief temporarily through digital entertainment or rare outdoor trips. Digital entertainment can generate more stress and adventurous trips can also be costly and inconvenient.
    Define We need a different approach to unwind.
    Ideate 1) d

    Using a one man tent and advanced projection/ screen interfaces, people living in the stressful cities can spend every night sleeping in whatever environment they want. In summary, it’s a one man omni theater that can teleport you anywhere in the world and let you be immersed there.