Jeunory: Celebration

28 September 2062

Are birthdays worth celebrating?


In John’s world, things seem to be pretty rigid, most people kept to themselves and mostly lived a routine life. There were still festivals and nation wide celebrations, but John was never really sure what they were celebrating.

“Ah,” John sighed as he picked up a polaroid picture of himself with a birthday cake. A wry smile was imprinted on his face. He didn’t seem happy then. Neither does he seem happy now, he would much rather find a picture of the company he was celebrating the birthday with.

Why would he be happy during his birthday anyway? Why were birthdays even a thing to celebrate?

To everybody’s understanding, memory spans go with the amount of years you have left to live. If you had 40 years of life span left, you’d have a 40 day long memory span. People may grow older everyday, but birthdays really counted. They are the obvious days you’d be reminded that you’d have one day less in your new memory span.

Who do people celebrate birthdays with anyway? Heck, do people even remember their own birthdays? It didn’t make sense, especially when you didn’t remember the people who gifted you the gift of life, albeit not a very memorable one.

The old polaroid tugged at John’s heartstrings as a wave of emotions somehow overcame him.

Now he’s eager to investigate.

Some Soundscape Research

How Lucasfilm’s Master Foley Artist Perfected the Sounds in Your Favorite Movies





Cops Just Raided This Average Looking House. They Never Expected This To Be Inside Of It.

Jeunory – Law

16 December, 2069

The winter is cold and I am about to give up.

Current Memory Span: 40/45 Days.


Was he always this messy? John thought to himself as he stares blankly at the pieces of paper wildly pasted all over the walls. What was he thinking when he was putting them up? Was he in a rush? Did it never occur to him during any of these memory spans to clean up? Perhaps this is the memory span to do it. To finally clean up and come up with a more systematic approach. A way that he could easily process what was going on in his next memory span. It was probably a good way to plough through all these damned notes too.

He glances at the red book, and decided that he can get to it after cleaning up. He was confident that he had 44 days left and he was going to spend the first day figuring things out.

He scavenged the space and made himself some coffee and food.


John set out to sort the notes in chronological order but quickly thought that past John couldn’t be such an idiot. If these needed to be in chronological order, he could have just kept a regular journal and wrote them in pages. Why were they placed this way? Maybe, just maybe, he couldn’t bother anymore since it was different waking up from each memory reset.

One would instinctively snap pictures of the room in it’s original state. But John knew he couldn’t. His gut told him that everything about this room had to stay secret.

He reviewed the notes he had collected on hand. This time, he was going to sort them in categories.

In the first category, Law:

Rule no. 1. Maintain a perfect, happy world.

That seems to be what makes this world work. It seems like the agenda of their ‘subtle’ propaganda, though not something that they outright announce. I know for a fact that life wasn’t always like that. Something must have happened… Something that no one, at least no citizens can remember.

The computer in the basement seems to know something, only if i could unlock the hidden contents.

I’ve also found out that I was, or am, something called a journalist. But in this world, in this day and age? News don’t come often. And when they do come, they’re all rainbows and butterflies. The kind of journalism I do is forbidden, but why?

The natural laws of this world: people forget. We all know this. Everyone has a memory span, something that is dependent on our lifespan.

For the sake of a longer memory span, people make life style changes. Oh, doesn’t that make this world more perfect? People live longer, people remember longer.

It is not a law, but is strongly encouraged, to follow the Routine Cards the Government issues. I wonder if that is indeed beneficial to society, or just another gimmick to make this world work.

It is an actual law to see the doctor when you feel sick.

Not sure why that sounds fishy. Healthcare is free, though.

Does the government really control where we live? How do they know who to place us with in the same household?

They call themselves enforcers. I was tortured, even though they know I won’t remember.

Finally, they threw me back into this cell at Bacon Street they call my home, they thought I fell asleep, they thought I won’t remember.

But I will stay awake to write.

It was the last day of this memory span and they finally caught me. But the room is still safe, my home is still safe. There’s still a lot to be investigated, but there’s new progress every memory span. Remember to keep track, document, and stay hidden.

Their watch will keep growing tighter.

The map is tattooed on my chest. This note has to stay hidden.

Is someone watching me?

Jeunory – Architecture

5 February, 2065

The ability to forget, isn’t that what people wished for?


John took a deep breath and finally decided to explore the rest of the space before settling down to piece together what was going on.

The space he was in wasn’t big. It was enough for a bed, a computer desk, a mini fridge, a standing mirror and enough room to pace around. The walls were thickly covered with erratically placed notes and journal entries that John didn’t understand. The room was meek, the air heavy. There were no windows, only something that seemed to be once a skylight replaced the ceiling, but it was covered and seemingly well hidden. Only a wee, warm light bulb illuminated the whole room.

There was a desk lamp too, only John didn’t bother to see if it worked. The desk had a desk top computer that seemed a little too old for this era, but John’s guts told him it must still be functioning well, especially since gadgets and tech were surprisingly long lasting. Well, at least they lasted longer than memory spans. Some pens sprawled across the table and papers overspilled from the drawers John decided to explore later.

Right outside the room was a tiny square space, just enough room for one person. Maybe two people, if they stood close enough. There wasn’t much choices to choose where you can go. Directly in front of the room was a bathroom, turning right from the room was a staircase that lead upwards. Racks filled the last wall of the square space.

John ventured into the bathroom. It wasn’t the cleanest, but at least it didn’t smell. There was a small, squeaky ventilation fan that let in some light. A lightbulb hung right off the wall. A sink, cabinet mirror, toilet bowl and shower. It was a rather regular bathroom.

There are no notes in here. John thought in relieve.

He also noticed that all the signs showed that he was living by himself. Not surprising for a small space like this. His thoughts drifted to the first note he saw and he wondered if he has a family.

His attention quickly snapped back as he surveyed the Routine Cards along the stairway. They were strangely different, but seemed to be deliberately placed in order. From the bottom of the staircase were cards that seemed to be the oldest, most yellowed and crumpled. The cards got newer and whiter as he ascended the staircase. All of them had different content and different routines, the only similarity being their assignment to the same name: John Dayers.

Except for one card, it was assigned to someone called Wendy Dayers.

Sister? Wife? Whoever she was, John had no clue, and wasn’t even sure if she was still in his life.

The staircase lead to a square metal door hatch. A paper that was attached wrote:

Coordinates and entry passcode tattooed on right forearm. A = 3.

He looked down his forearms and to his surprise, he easily deciphered the code.

With some difficulty, he turned to unlock the tightly locked hatch. It was for sure only unlock-able from the inside. John confirms that this place is a secret that is probably only meant for him.

He took a peek at the outside world and sunlight flooded his sight. He lived beyond a fence. Across the fence was a variety of buildings which all seemed pretty normal. Maybe… Just a bit too normal. It was a fine day in California, but it wasn’t the day John was going to go out, not just yet.

He stepped back into the room and heaved a sigh, wondering what went on with him when he last pasted a piece of journal on the wall.

Obligate Cannibals Fan-Fiction

The Man Who Feasted on Gods

 It has been a month since that fateful day.


The day he escaped the fire, the chanting crowd, the ropes that bounded him to his fate of being an Omega due for sacrifice.

He was hateful and hungry. He never understood the things that people worshipped as “Gods”. As an Omega, he was taught that people once ate these Gods called animals. It was common belief that, as atonement, people had to eat as many humans as they did animals.

“Sacrifice, you. Until Gods, forgive.” The religious seer often preached.

He questioned how people could believe in these non-existing creatures but alas, as an offspring of a specie infected by Kuru, he could never grasp his own thoughts. He hated the people, he hated the Gods he didn’t believe in, but all he knew was what he felt physically; the heavy breaths, the burning sensations in his chest, the water that flows unstoppably from his eyes and the instincts to kill when the Gods were mentioned.

With the luck of an Alpha acting up and rendering chaos during the ritual to sacrifice him, he escaped and was barely saved by a stream before his body collapsed from dehydration and weariness.

He wasn’t the only one drinking from the stream. His eyes dilated with disbelief as he spots a weird, thing. Something he had only saw in pictures all his life. It was small, barely the size of his forearm. It was a ball of fur, which was a relic only seen in the shrines. Only the fur in the shrines didn’t move, didn’t breathe. His hands tightly gripped the river bank.

untitled_artwork3It was what they called, a God. The instincts to kill flowed through his arteries and overruled his weariness. His senses sharpened and he pounced, teeth barbarically sinking into the neck of the animal. He skinned the creature and tore into its raw flesh, only then remembering that the people had always put bloody meat over a fire before feasting.


He scavenged the grounds and conveniently found an old campsite, along with a strange burrow near it.

That was a month ago.

Now, tucked away in the thick foliage of the tropical plantation, right beside the stream was his well-camouflaged home. A deep growl sounded from within the foliage.

“Come.” His authoritative voice commanded as he walks out of his hideout, towards where the main population lived. With some hesitation, the growling beast complied. The beast was muscular, the length of its arms rivalled that of a gorilla’s and its conduct mirrored the alpha of a pack. It was a tanned Alpha male human.

Hunters hunted around the area within the month. He stayed hidden initially because he was a mere, afraid and unskilled Omega. Eventually, he unintentionally discovers the possibility to tame the animalistic Alpha hunters. All he needed was meat. He stayed concealed as he had his tamed-hunter duel offensive-hunters that roamed the forest. The winning hunter would simply feed on the loser, and he would tame any new winners.

It was a working system and he had newfound clarity from feeding on the hateful Gods daily. It wasn’t just about killing them because he hated them. It was the full body experience of sinking his teeth into the so-called Gods, inhaling their souls and absorbing their powers. Slowly but surely, the frequency of his tremors decreased drastically, the boulder of depression was slowly lifting off his chest and there were rarely any signs of hysteria within the past weeks. He started to be able to comprehend and think, albeit the worshipping of these Gods became even more unacceptable to him because they were such lowly, weak and pest-like creatures. His hate was refueled every time he fed.

He wanted to devour all the Gods.


“WHO, IS, YOUR, GOD?” He bellowed as he threw the carcass of a God into the village, then taking a ferocious bite out of a cooked one he had in his other hand.

Mouth still full with the godly flesh, he yelled a war cry and a pack of familiar Alphas, ones that still belonged to the community just weeks ago, came charging in. His army was expectedly overwhelming. The community unsuspectedly kept sending out new Alphas to hunt when their Alphas didn’t return, only because they were murdered in duel or tamed to become part of the now attacking army.

The Alphas fed.

The Betas mostly prayed.

While the Omegas were rallied and led to the burrow.

It was finally his moment. The moment to prove his disbelief was right. The moment to show the people of his kind a new feeling they had never experienced, a feeling called hope that will free them of their destinies.

“Dig, and you will find the truth. Fuck the Gods. Today, we Omegas will eat them all.” He said.


Jeunory – Authority

17th May 2068

They call themselves enforcers. I was tortured, even though they know I won’t remember.

Finally, they threw me back into this cell at Bacon Street they call my home, they thought I fell asleep, they thought I won’t remember.

But I will stay awake to write.


It was the last day of this memory span and they finally caught me. But the room is still safe, my home is still safe. There’s still a lot to be investigated, but there’s new progress every memory span. Remember to keep track, document, and stay hidden.

Their watch will keep growing tighter.

The map is tattooed on my chest. This note has to stay hidden.


John read the note stuck onto the mirror as he observed his appearance and traces his fingers along the scars on his shoulders and chest. He turned around to see his back. There were more scars, and underlying were tattoos that are too disfigured to understand. He only remember his own name, and the fact that in this world, citizen’s memories were limited by their memory spans. Was he a fugitive? Did he find out who these people were? What was he investigating? Where is Bacon Street?

He turned to look around the room once more. Attached on the wall was a map with read marks all over, and a red pin marked Bacon Street, along with a note that said:

They put civilians in apartments and houses, so we would wake up thinking that’s where we live. Right HERE is my home – map is tattooed on my chest.

There was a newer note that wrote:

There must be closer surveillance back at Bacon Street after I was caught. Go back once a day so they won’t be suspicious. Be wary of neighbours.

John steps back and glances upon the wall once more, noticing multiple mentions of a “red book”. He turned to the desk and sure enough, there was a hint of a red book, covered by scattered pieces of paper. He picks up the top piece, which read:



Jeurnory – Home

27 December, 2067


57 Bacon Street, Apartment 308, San Francisco, CA. Where you live.

John Matthew Dayers. Your full name.

28th September, 2032. Birthday.

Daisy Evans. Mother. American.

Levi Dayers. Father. American.



Current Memory Span: 45 Days.


<insert image of Caucasian man looking at crumpled note>

As he took a deep breath and removed the entry from sight, John notices another piece of note, which seemed to be intentionally placed where he would see when he wakes up.

“You know how it works. Track memory span.” – The hasty writing demanded.

John sits up haggardly and surveyed the room as if he has never been there before. The room was dully lit and moody, and the air was rather thick. None of the wall paint was visible because the room was plastered with layers and layers of photographs and papers. And at the feet of the walls were almost incomprehensive piles of books and newspapers. None of these made sense to John.


He finally stood up and he picks up the stack of newspaper left on the desk.

The headlines read:

5 January, 2050

An Interview with Cobalt Lynch by John Matthew Dayers.

He glanced at the clock on the desk.

6 January, 2070; 9.02am

“Ah, fuck.” John murmured to himself.

John understood that he was a journalist, but nothing more. It was only the beginning of a new day, but he was already exhausted by the beginning of the new memory span. He found a calendar on the desk and carefully noted on 6th January,

“New memory span start”.




Storming A New World

Several mind maps later, I was down to two ideas.

The process of developing a new world started off with an old idea, a dystopian world where humans and animals depended on each other for survival.

Image result for stepan bear
Oh just tea time with the family bear, Stepan.

Much inspired by real life stories of how some men have animals considered ferocious beasts as pets  – only but a distant dream of mine. Popular examples include The Lion Man and Stepan the Family Bear (Russians.).

I thought this world was very much related to The Golden Compass and How To Train Your Dragon. Where you have a ferocious beast of your own, and where the actually docile animals are considered threatening.

Related imageImage result for how to train your dragon

After pitching the idea, I was down to two questions, what makes this bond essential, what or who are they fighting against and what caused the current state of the earth?

I also decided to explore more on a pre-apocalyptic world instead of a post-apocalyptic world. Figuring that they could be fighting against the clock to salvage their Earth from dying.

Googling “Why is the Earth dying” lead me to these helpful articles:


    A scientific explanation, complete with graphs, about extinction rates, biodiversity, and possible ways to avert the situation. The ideas referred from this article is summarised in this mind map: 4dii_worldstorming

  • I also made a discovery that “Dying Earth” is a whole science fantasy sub genre on its own and it even has it’s own Wiki page that includes numerous examples of the same genre and how the idea of the Dying Earth was conceived differently by different authors. Popular concepts included a dying (or dead) Sun, and time travelling.

    Eventually… I decided to put a pause to developing this world as I wasn’t that impressed by this idea anymore, though it could possibly work. Also, somewhere in-between research, I came across a short film that referred to a goldfish, and how they’re known for their 7 seconds memory.

Ok, so, what if people only had a day’s worth of memory? Maybe that’s a bit far fetched and the world wouldn’t be able to function. So.. What if people had limited memory… according to the years, either

  • According to the years they lived, or
  • According to the years they have to live


I decided that the latter (1 year left to live = 1 day of memory) was more interesting because it would mean that there is a potential of their memory days decreasing every year, and a possibility that memory days could be influenced by lifestyle choices. Will the people of this world know the numbers of years they have to live? Or will they eventually forget?

Maybe, people could have partitioned memory, with default memory capacity to remember the languages they spoke, and perhaps their name.

I found this idea rather fresh and worth developing, and with some Googling, I landed on this page

Where there is a existing concept about “Future Memory” and how memory could become a form of trade and commerce, how memory is tangible. In the same page, there are also other users’ contributions on how a world like this would work. I thought this page was useful and relatable for developing my world.

At this point, I thought the main storyline would be a main character investigating the truth and system behind the memory of this world. Still no idea who is behind all these. But the possible conflicts would be a race against time, to accomplish something before you forget. There would be a possible villain behind all these, and a possibility of people forgetting how things work in this world because it’s been forgotten as it’s washed down generations after generations. Or, maybe one day, the main character suddenly has a much lesser memory capacity and he has to save himself from dying.

I was reminded of West World, where artificial intelligence started recalling their past lives.Image result for west world

Next, was researching about films related to memory.

Here’s a page that seems pretty useful:

The first film, Momento, is about a guy that’s basically like… Dory from Finding Dory. He has short term memory after an accident and he is unable to make new memories. He has a system of polaroids and tattoos to help him as he investigates his current situation. I envisioned a similar system in my world.

Image result for film memento

I think I am more drawn towards the memory idea. I might just write two stories. But for now, I think I need to talk to people about the memory idea to see how feasible it is and generate more discussions and ideas.