Lore 5: Law

There is one rule in Mea’s School of Dreams that all dream technicians have to follow: To record each and every one of Mea’s dreams when they happen, even when they know that some of these dreams might fade on their own over time. The purpose is to keep as full a archive as they can, just in case Mea wants to recollect any of her dreams.

The dream technician maintaining Mea’s most current dreams have to standby work whenever Mea is starting to fall asleep. If they happen to miss Mea’s dreams and were not able to get another dream technician to stand in for them when they are not around, there will be no one to record Mea’s ongoing dreams, therefore making them disappear. The penalty for them missing one dream is being banned from the pantry for three days, which is a big thing for a Piu dream technician, because the pantry is literally their second home, and all their meals are settled there because their homes do not have much food to get them by (they can only take food out of the pantry once per month, and it is only one box of animal biscuits and two bottles of water).

Dream technicians also have to take their attendance without fail everyday when the day starts. Next to the pantry door is an attendance sheet renewed everyday by Glasses and dream technicians have to take their attendance personally when the day starts. Failure to do that will mean that the dream technician did not report for work on that day without a valid reason, and the Piu is required to skip a pantry meal to continue working.

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