Lesson 1: Blind Drawing Exercise

Our very first art lesson of the semester! It was a little nerve0wrecking as I have the mindset that I have no talent in drawing at all and that I will do pretty badly in this module but I try my best in all the drawings that I do.

The first exercise we were asked to do in class was to draw our shoes using a continuous line. This is what I drew and it looks pretty okay I guess but you can tell that I wasn’t confident as I keep going back to the same line again and again.IMG_3559 2Right after that, we were told to not look at our drawing at attempt to draw our shoe. I was surprised at the exercise but did it anyway. The bottom of the top picture was the result of my ‘blind’ drawing of the shoe. I can roughly tell that it is a shoe at some parts.

We started doing more drawings ‘blindly’ and the next exercise was drawing of a hand. First, looking at the hand and you are able to see what you are drawing. Then after will be the blind drawing. So the outcome turned out as shown below:


I was pretty satisfied with the first hand that I drew even though it is a little out of proportion. The ‘blind’ hand was completely off for me. It was probably that I wasn’t focusing enough?

The last exercise was to draw another person in the room without looking at your drawing. Now this is a tough one because there are so many things to draw on a face. The facial features and everything must be captured without looking at the drawing. That’s a tough one. The outcome is as shown below:


I believed I’ve tried my best. This is my first art lesson after all and I hope to improve my drawings slowly and surely after every lesson.


Author: Ivan Tai


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