Lesson/Homework 9: Night Drawing

Time to get out of class! We went out of class today just right outside the ADM building to do some drawing of landscapes.

We were asked  to draw 4 landscapes that conveys the same emotion.

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These are the 4 landscapes that I chose. 

The emotion that I wanted to bring across was actually ‘Mystery’. But I think I’ve failed completely in bringing across that. Initially I was absolutely clueless on what am I supposed to do.

After completing the drawings, it was night time and we were tasked to do a night drawing outside ADM.

It was then we were introduced to pastel. White, Yellow, Orange, Brown. Different colours will bring across different feelings.


Colours was a new things to me as usual so I did not really use it to my advantage. I made places that weren’t supposed to be so bright bright. It was interesting to experience the use of colors and it makes the drawing more eye capturing in some sense.

For our homework, we were asked to draw 6 small frames of concept that we want to imply in our final drawing.

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Frame 1 (top left): The idea behind it was that I wanted to have a half old half new kind of concept. Left half will be the old chinatown and the right half will be the existing chinatown. Transitioning from old to new.

Frame 2 (top right): A man using his phone. In this current generation everyone is on their phones.

Frame 3 (bottom left): The back view of a child playing marbles. That used to be my childhood and I had so much fun playing it.

Frame 4 (bottom right): Changed the layout from the transitioning of old to new chinatown to a two point perspective that transition. That frame consist of the ‘new’ part.

Frame 5 (second picture left): Lamppost. Need on the streets.

Frame 6 (second picture right): The old part of the scene. Includes shophouses where it was everywhere in the olden times.