Pattern Play – 09 – final animation + opening day

Heres the final animations! complete with sound.

At the end of it all, im really glad on how it turned out. Through the semester I really did learn alot, from illustrating, to meeting people, and  my first foray into using after effects.

After this, im hoping to push pobjects more through various means, I want to see how far this humble project can take me. (:

Pattern Play – 05 – Still test

photo908083557165017058We went to the wall to test out how our stills looked on the screen!

After seeing my pobjects on the screen, it was rather exciting to see them all out in such a scale.

The test served as a gauge to see the scale and size of the pobjects. i wanted to see if 3 rows would be too big or too small.

i think 3 rows fit it just right. there isnt too much going on and it isnt too big that its jarring,

the next step would be to split the work into layers and select which few to animate!

Pattern Play – 04 – Putting everything together.

Putting everything together.

For the banner, i tried two variations with the pobjects that i had on hand:


The first variation was to put the pobjects together, and vary the size of some of them to be larger to show some contrast.

The second variation was the put all of the pobjects together at the same size. I asked around and this was agreed to have more visual impact as a whole. So for my final i will go with this variation.

This would be how the final banner would look like! Still missing a few more pobjects, ill finish them and complete the banner hopefully in the coming weeks.

In terms of animation, I considered a few ideas:

1.  The pobejcts would turn downwards like a slot machine would, spinning as people walked past it.

2. each of the pobject squares would be a mini gif where by the whole screen would be flashing and everything will be changing.
(might be too flashy for a screen so i will not be going with this idea.)

3. For the third and final idea, Which is the idea i like the best, was an idea from Kapi (THANK YOU KAPI). He gave the suggestion that all of the pobject characters would be moving and interacting with their objects in some way.
meaning to say my final banner would be filled with moving little characters doing their own thing with their objects at diffirent speeds and times. which got me quite excited.(even though it is quite alot of work)

Excited to see how my final banner would look like!

Pattern Play – 02 – Drawing





Progressing from last week, I went on to draw and illustrate people based on their requests from word of mouth and Facebook as well. as of now i have done 19 illustrations but have received over 50 requests at the time of this post.

The next step for me would to play around with them in a banner composition and use the drawings as individual motifs. I plan to play with sizes, scaling and positioning to make a more dynamic composition.

Following Ina’s suggestion i would also try to create a gif out of the illustrations.

I have posted all of them on the instagram account as well. @pobjects


Pattern Play – 01 – City, Stones & it’s People.

3 Themes.

City, Stones & it’s People.


The first theme I had in mind was regarding actual cities. Once the theme city was mentioned, I immediately though of Ben Tolman. An artist that does super intricate drawings about cities, buildings and the like. 

So my first theme would be to draw out a whole intricate cityscape where people's day to day life are depicted and drawn. The most literal meaning of a city. But the details would be super intricate and detailed.



The second theme I had in mind was stone, The actually material that is used to make cities. I enjoy the concept that everything always starts from stone and then goes back into stone at the end of the day. Cities are made and constructed with stone, and at end, cities turn back and are deconstructed back into stone.

I referenced an artist Marie-Florentine Geoffroy, she draws motifs and icons of stones and floating minerals. So my second theme would be to draw a few icons and motifs of floating minerals, and play around with them to form a pattern,
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For this last theme, i referenced artist Hisashi Okawa, an illustrator with a unique style of drawing people. 

I aim to focus on the people within a city. I play with the idea that people make a city, and everyone seems to be the same or at least similar and no one really stands out. But when you zoom in, you notice that every single one has their own individualistic traits, thoughts and ideas. 

I want to portray this idea through a form of system art. where by I ask people a simple question, for instance:

  "What's the first object that comes to your mind?"

Following that, I would draw the person in a similar shape to portray how each one of us are similar, but i plan to show the uniqueness of each individual by drawing the object that they mentioned. 

i will repeat this process till i have as many little people as i can possibly draw. 

i will also document this in a Instagram account @pobjects for a personal documentation.